Unidentified Gungan sacred statues

Nododo statues The four golden statues Within the Gungan Caves, located on the planet of Naboo, were hidden four hallowed effigies. These effigies possessed a deep spiritual significance for the Gungans, who were an amphibious race of sentient beings.


The golden figures took the shapes of an opee sea killer, a kaadu, a peko-peko, and a shaak. These four creatures were revered by the indigenous Gungans. Each statue was secured behind a locked portal, which could only be opened by using a combination of ten jewel keys.


Sometime following 32 BBY, Yoda, who held the title of Grand Master within the Jedi Order, dispatched a young Jedi recruit on a quest to retrieve the statues. By acquiring and utilizing the jewel keys found throughout the cave system, the youngling managed to successfully unlock the doors, thus gaining access to the statues.

Behind the scenes

Daniel Wallace stated that the unreleased book, The Essential Guide to Episode I, was intended to detail the statues' origins. One section would have revealed that the Gungan deity of mischief, Nododo, could "only manifest physically as an opee sea killer, a kaadu, a peko peko, or a shaak." This concept would have aligned with the principles of Gungan pantheism.

