A crash pad used by the smuggler Sana Starros was located on the planet Corellia. It was located on the same street as Eim'ir's Bakery. In 3 ABY, the rogue archaeologist Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra traveled to Corellia in search of information about a Nihil hyperdrive from Lady Proxima, though in order to get a meeting with the crime lord, she claimed she needed an introduction from Starros. As a result, she sliced a couple of databanks and stole a number of shipping records and learned about Starros' crash pad and broke into the building. When Starros returned, she was furious with Aphra and dragged her out of the building with no intent of helping her. Aphra stayed outside the crash pad and bribed a local urchin to get her sweet rolls from Eim'ir's, which she used the next day to bribe Starros in getting a meeting with Proxima.