Unidentified urchin

An urchin resided on the planet Corellia during the Imperial Era. In 3 ABY, he tried to rob the rogue archaeologist Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra of her belt as she spent a night outside the crash pad of the smuggler Sana Starros. After she stopped the urchin, Aphra bribed him into stealing sweet rolls from the nearby Eim'ir's Bakery in exchange for not cutting off his hands, which he did. The following day, when Starros encountered the archaeologist on the door of her crash pad, Aphra informed her of the incident with the urchin.


An urchin resided on the Core Worlds planet Corellia during the Imperial Era. In 3 ABY, the rogue archaeologist Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra traveled to Corellia for information from a local resident, the Grindalid crime boss Lady Proxima, about an artifact she had been hired to track down and steal for Lady Domina Tagge of the Tagge Corporation. After she failed to convince the smuggler Sana Starros to bring her to Proxima, the smuggler threw Aphra out of her crash pad.

The urchin unsuccessfully attempted to steal the belt of the rogue archaeologist Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra.

The urchin unsuccessfully attempted to steal the belt of the rogue archaeologist Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra.

As the archaeologist stayed outside the crash pad overnight, the urchin attempted to steal her belt, though Aphra stopped him. In return for being allowed to keep his hands, the doctor bribed the urchin into nabbing sweet rolls from a bakery down the same street known as Eim'ir's Bakery. The urchin carried out the request and returned with at least two sweet rolls. The following day, Starros exited her crash pad and found Aphra sitting by its door, who then presented the smuggler with a sweet roll.

Starros then asked if it had come from Eim'ir's, which Aphra confirmed it had. The smuggler questioned if she had bought them for her, and in response, the doctor told Starros of the urchin's attempt to steal her belt and her subsequent bribery of him to acquire the rolls from Eim'ir's. Once Aphra was finished, the smuggler noted that she was now bribing her with the rolls, which Aphra admitted was the case, and asked if it was working. The attempt worked, and Starros brought the archaeologist to Proxima's lair.

Personality and traits

The urchin was willing to steal from Eim'ir's Bakery on behalf of Chelli Aphra to prevent himself from being harmed.

Behind the scenes

The urchin was mentioned in the seventh issue of the 2020 comic series Star Wars: Doctor Aphra. The issue was written by Alyssa Wong and published by Marvel Comics on January 20, 2021.



