Sorro's family

The Human male Sorro's family was a family that Galactic Empire Senior Captain Thrawn theorized was located on the Inner Rim planet Wroona. By 0 ABY the family was killed or captured by alien warlord Nuso Esva, forcing Sorro to serve him as his pilot aboard the Kazellis-class light freighter Salaban's Hope. In 0 ABY, the pair traveled to the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Chimaera, where the warlord lied to the the ship's first officer, Commander Gilad Pellaeon, telling him that the family was "lost" after the Human made bad choices. Pellaeon killed Sorro while he wore his master's clothing, and told the pilot that he had redeemed his family. After Esva's retreat, Thrawn asked smuggler Jorj Car'das to free Sorro's family which he believed was being held hostage along with the town they lived in, and Car'das accepted to at least take a look.

Sorro's family appeared in the 2011 novel Choices of One, written by Timothy Zahn.

Behind the scenes

Sorro's family appeared in the 2011 novel Choices of One, written by Timothy Zahn.



