A spaceport control droid, also known as spaceport controller droid flight controller droid, or a traffic control droid, was a category of third-degree droid that was designed to oversee spaceports. Some models were bipedal, with two arms and an overlapping clamshell shaped head.
M-3PO, known as Emtrey, was a 3PO-series protocol droid that served as quartermaster for Rogue Squadron from around 6 ABY. Emtrey was refitted by an Alliance to Restore the Republic lieutenant named Losca prior to the Battle of Hoth and was fitted with a head from a spaceport control droid.
- The Star Wars Sourcebook
- Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters
- Death Star Technical Companion
- Death Star Technical Companion, Second Edition
- Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters, Second Edition
- The Star Wars Sourcebook, Second Edition
- Platt's Starport Guide
- The Jedi Academy Sourcebook