Stanic Wavingstar

Stanic Wavingstar was a male Twi'lek thug who lived on Tatooine during the Galactic Civil War.


After the Battle of Yavin, Stanic Wavingstar worked as a courier for the crime lord Jabba the Hutt on Tatooine and frequented the Wayfar cantina. In the meantime, the Twi'lek began to work for the Black Sun criminal syndicate without informing Jabba. The thug used this position to anonymously sell information about the Black Sun to Jabba, but without letting the Hutt know that he was in fact one of his employees.

In 1 ABY, Jabba entered into a wager with one of his cousins to collect the most interesting trophy the fastest. The Trandoshan bounty hunter Bossk therefore recruited a spacer to recover a Nightsister shroud on the planet Dathomir for Jabba. The spacer later delivered the shroud to Wavingstar in the Wayfar cantina but the Twi'lek alleged that a common Nightsister shroud was not sufficient for Jabba. The spacer then returned to Dathomir and collected a rare shroud from a Nightsister elder. This time, Wavingstar was satisfied and provided the shroud to Jabba.

A short time later, Jabba found out that the Black Sun was intending to expand its influence. The Hutt crime lord paid his secret informant for details of their operation. Unfortunately, the informant was discovered and the Black Sun sent an assassin after him. Bossk thus dispatched the spacer to attack Black Sun enforcers at the Death Watch bunker on the Forest Moon of Endor to collect information about Jabba's informant. The spacer finally discovered that Black Sun had localized Jabba's informant in the Wayfar cantina on Tatooine. The spacer rushed to Wayfar and attacked the Black Sun assassin before he could kill the informant, who was in fact Stanic Wavingstar. The Twi'lek thanked the spacer for saving him and rewarded him with microservo-enhanced gloves. Fortunately for Wavingstar, the spacer accepted to not reveal to Jabba that the Twi'lek played both sides of the fence.

Behind the scenes

Randomly-generated depictions of Stanic Wavingstar.

Randomly-generated depictions of Stanic Wavingstar.

Stanic Wavingstar was a non-player character in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, prior to its closure on December 15, 2011. Stanic Wavingstar was added to the game as part of Bossk's "Chance Meetings" questline, introduced with the release of the "Publish 25," a.k.a. the "New Game Enhancements," on November 15, 2005. Because Wavingstar spawned under the generic "male_twilek_thug_low" template, his appearance was randomized under one of three possible depictions after each server reset, but he consistently appeared as a male Twi'lek.



