Star Wars: Bounty Hunter: Prima's Official Strategy Guide


The Strategy Guide contains:

  • Strategies to defeat every enemy
  • Crucial combat tips and boss strategies
  • Extensive walkthroughs and detailed maps for every level
  • Comprehensive tactic for all weapons and items, including the Jet Pack.
  • All secondary bounty locations and Mandalorian Feathers revealed.

The Guide also contains the bios of each character, race, weapon, extra content, easter eggs and hidden messages and at the very back a checklist which has every Secondary bounty's name, bounty's worth, where they are located in and what's the biggest profit.


Despite hard effort to determine that the information in the book is accurate, there are a number of potential mistakes that can be found if looked both through the game and the guide. The following is an incomplete list of certain mistakes ranging from character spelling differences between the guide and the game to minor picture errors.

  • Wip Sheff's name has been spelled as "Wip Shank"
  • The pictures in expected target reaction and Recommended Takedown Tactics between "Shank" Ballax and Frissk are reversed so Ballax has Frissk's and vice versa
  • Hexum'Baz has been labeled dead or alive when he is actually wanted dead.
  • In the position where Setongah is supposed to be is instead Maree Yad. There hasn't been a character called Setongah found in the game
  • The Gazzari system has been labeled as "Gazzarri system".
