Following the duel on the Death Star II, Emperor Palpatine is using the Force to electrocute Luke Skywalker as Darth Vader looks on. As Luke calls out to his father to save him, Vader's mind flashes back to those same words being spoken by Padmé Amidala in his dreams. Vader claims that even now, he still loves Padmé. He fell to the dark side because he couldn't trust the Jedi, who were trying to tear the two of them apart. He sought power so that he could hold his family in his arms and keep them safe. As Vader wonders what Luke is trying to gain, even at the edge of death, his mind snaps back into reality where Luke is pleading with his father. Vader grabs Palpatine and throws him down the reactor shaft of the Death Star, killing him. With his master dead, Vader promises himself and his son that this time he will save those he loves from death. In the final words of the story, Vader tells himself that he is a Jedi.
Originally published in Japan, the stories from Tokyopop's Star Wars Manga were considered to be of "fuzzy" continuity by Lucasfilm. Since then, they have been republished in English in the United Kingdom under Infinities label, which established the material in them as non-canonical.
When Darth Vader has his flashback to earlier times, he sees Padmé in the outfits that she wore on Naboo and Geonosis in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. However, the planets themselves are not seen within his memory.