Star Wars Episode I Journal: Queen Amidala

Publisher's summary

My world is under attack. My life is in danger. But I must be strong. I must save my people.

I will disguise myself. I will fight with all my power.

I will never give in.

My name is Amidala, Queen of Naboo. This is my story.

Plot summary

This book covers in great detail the young queen's fears, doubts, and hopes as she fights to save her people. In traveling from planet to planet she does everything possible to insure her planet's security, while simultaneously seeking the balance in herself between the caring Padmé and the Noble Queen. In the end, she finds that her only hope is to return to her planet, and face the enemy straight on. Even with the odds against her, Queen Padmé Amidala rises to the challenge, and saves her people.


There are some inconsistencies between the novella and the film The Phantom Menace. This may indicate that the novella was written before the film was completed.

  • In scenes recounting events from the movie, the dialogue often differs.
  • In the Senate scene, Alderaan is represented by Bail Organa, who did not succeed Bail Antilles in the office until some years later.
  • Amidala's final entries make several references to Darth Maul, whose name was unknown to all of the protagonists at this point.







