Star Wars Roleplaying Game Adversary Deck

Scum & Villainy

  • Apprentice Bounty Hunter
  • Arms Dealer
  • Assassin Droid
  • Black Marketeer
  • Black Sun Vigo
  • Corrupt Beauracrat
  • Hired Thug
  • Hutt Crime Lord
  • Infochant
  • Journeyman Bounty Hunter
  • Master Bounty Hunter
  • Pirate Captain
  • Pirate Crew
  • Shipjacker
  • Slaver
  • Slicer
  • Smuggler
  • Smuggler Baron
  • Street Tough
  • Swoop Ganger

Citizens of the Galaxy

  • Astromech Droid
  • Diplomat
  • Comm Operator
  • Corporate Sector Authority Security Captain
  • Corporate Sector Authority Security Police
  • Corporate Sector Authority Viceprex
  • Customs Inspector
  • Lutrillian Merchant
  • Maintenance Droid
  • Medical Droid
  • Planetary Governor
  • Physician
  • Politician
  • Protocol droid
  • Security Droid
  • Shadowport Mechanic
  • Spaceport Administrator
  • Twi'lek Dancer
  • Ugnaught Laborer
  • Wealthy Noble

Imperials & Rebels

  • Alliance Commander
  • Alliance Infantry
  • Bothan Spy
  • Imperial Advisor
  • Imperial Army Officer
  • Imperial Army Trooper
  • Imperial Intelligence Agent
  • Imperial Moff
  • Imperial Stormtrooper
  • Imperial Stormtrooper Sergeant
  • Rebel Alliance Liaison
  • Rebel Cell Leader
  • Rebel Specforce Infiltrator
  • Scout Trooper
  • Starfighter Ace
  • Starfighter Pilot
  • Emperor's Hand
  • Snowtrooper
  • TIE Ace
  • TIE Pilot

Imperials & Rebels II

  • Dark Trooper
  • Government Bureaucract
  • Imperial Assassin
  • Imperial Cavetroopr
  • Imperial Destab Agent
  • Imperial Dungeoneer
  • Imperial Gunnery Corps
  • Imperial Naval Officer
  • Imperial Naval Trooper
  • Imperial Royal Guard
  • Incom Engineer
  • Interrogation Droid
  • LRD-series Envoy Droid
  • M-3PO-series Military Protocol Droid
  • Mon Calamari Commander
  • Mon Calamari Shipwright
  • Quartermaster
  • Quarren Agitator
  • R7 Astromech
  • Viper Probe Droid

Hunters & Force Users

  • Accomplished Mechanic
  • Adamite Tower Paladin
  • Cautious Smuggler
  • Chiss Mercenary
  • CSA Intrusion Specialist
  • Dandy Gambler
  • Droideka
  • Fallen Apprentice
  • Fallen Master
  • Forsaken Jedi
  • Gand Findsman
  • Guilded Bounty Hunter
  • IG-100 Magnaguard
  • Jakobeast
  • Jedi-in-Hiding
  • Morgukai Adept
  • Murderous Fugitive
  • Provincial Law Enforcement Officer
  • Scarred Gladiator
  • Vornskyr

Creatures of the Galaxy

  • Bantha
  • Bearsloth
  • Captive Rancor
  • Dewback
  • Eopie
  • Gualar
  • Jubba Bird
  • Kouhun
  • Loth-Cat
  • Mature Tusk Cat
  • Mid-sized Dianoga
  • Mynock
  • Nexu
  • Ronto
  • Sando Aqua Monster
  • Stalking Acklay
  • Tauntaun
  • Trained Keelkana
  • Varactyl
  • Wampa

Imperials & Rebels III

  • Black Claw Saboteur
  • BOSS Agent
  • Chandrilan Navy Officer
  • COMPNOR Agent
  • Death Star Trooper
  • Death Star Trooper Officer
  • Death Trooper
  • IG-RM-Series Enforcer Droid
  • Imperial Vehicle Corps
  • KX-series Enforcer Droid
  • Mechanic
  • Military informant
  • MSE-series maintenance droid
  • Pilgrim
  • Polis Massa Base Squadron Pilot
  • RA-7 protocol droid
  • Stormtrooper Specialty Corps: Sandtrooper
  • Stormtrooper Specialty Corps: Shoetrooper
  • Sullusant Resistance fighter
  • Whaladon

Republic & Separatist

  • Asajj Ventress
  • B1 Battle Droid
  • B2 Super Battle Droid
  • Buzz Droid
  • C-8 Saboteur Droid
  • Clone Captain
  • Clone Sergeant
  • Clone Trooper
  • Count Dooku
  • DRK-1 Probe Droid
  • Droideka
  • DSD1 Dwarf Spider Droid
  • Galactic Senator
  • General Grievous
  • Geonosian Warrior
  • IG-100 Magnaguard
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • Padme Amidala
  • Republic Fleet Officer
  • T-series Tactical Droid

Republic & Separatist II

  • Admiral Trench
  • Ahsoka Tano
  • Anakin Skywalker
  • Aqua Droid
  • Assassin Probe Droid
  • Aurra Sing
  • BX-Series Commando Droid
  • Cad Bane
  • Death Watch Commando
  • Droideka Sharpshooter
  • Jedi Padawan
  • Jedi Temple Guard
  • Maul
  • Mother Talzin
  • Nightsister
  • Probe Killer Swarm
  • Savage Opress
  • Senate Guard
  • Super Battle Droid Rocket Trooper
  • Super Tactical Droid












