
Sula was an Altiri individual who resided on the planet Temerancé during the High Republic Era and had multiple children, including the Force-sensitive Lene Kostana, their oldest daughter. After Temerancé fell within the Occlusion Zone of the Nihil raiders, Lene was kidnapped by the Nihil, along with several other children. When the monster hunter Ty Yorrick, who had been called to Temerancé expecting to hunt a creature, intended to depart after learning the target was Nihil raiders, Lene's parent approached Yorrick, telling her about their daughter and the other Force-sensitive children and pleading her to save them.


Sula was an Altiri individual who was the parent of multiple children, including their oldest daughter Lene Kostana, a Force-sensitive. They lived in a on the planet Temerancé during the High Republic Era. In 229 BBY, after Temerancé had become a part of the Occlusion Zone, the territory of the Nihil marauders closed off behind the Stormwall barrier, a Nihil raiding party undertook multiple raids on the planet. During one such raid, the Nihil kidnapped children who possessed Force abilities, including Lene.

The people of the settlement, led by Klop Nol, summoned the monster hunter and former Jedi Ty Yorrick. After Yorrick arrived at the settlement and learned from Nol that the target was the Nihil, the hunter refused, claiming that she only hunted monsters and that she was not a Jedi. As the monster hunter turned to leave, Lene's parent, carrying another child, called after her to wait. The distraught parent informed Yorrick that the Nihil had been capturing Force-sensitive children, including their oldest daughter, pleading with her to save the children.

Personality and traits

After their daughter was kidnapped, Lene's parent urged Yorrick to save the children, caring little whether the hunter claimed to be a Jedi or not. The individual had long white hair that reached the length of their back, light purple skin, and dark purple eyes. They had blue markings in the front of their hair and had blue gemstones on their forehead.


While on Temerancé, Lene's parent wore a pale green dress.

Behind the scenes

Lene's parent appeared, albeit unnamed, in the first issue of the Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures – Saber for Hire comic series, written by Cavan Scott, illustrated by Rachael Stott, and published by Dark Horse Comics as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia initiative's Phase III on April 17, 2024.









