Suppressor tube

A suppressor tube was a type of device which would disable droids. If a Human or other organic being stood too close to the object being suppressed, the tool would also affect the being, though the exact effects were unknown.

Olag Greck, under the code name Mollo, suppressed C-3PO, mistaking him for his droid C-3PX, an assassination droid whom Olag wanted to appear at his droid fighting venue on Hosk Station.

The suppressor tube shares the same purpose as an ion cannon, although to a lesser extent. Whether the suppressor tube is a limited-production tool, a custom creation by Olag Greck, or a variation of an ion cannon is unknown.

Behind the scenes

The suppressor tube shares the same purpose as an ion cannon, although to a lesser extent. Whether the suppressor tube is a limited-production tool, a custom creation by Olag Greck, or a variation of an ion cannon is unknown.



