Olag Greck operated as a businessman who transitioned into a crime lord during the Imperial Era.
When Baron Pitareeze was in the process of establishing his shipbuilding enterprise, Greck was his partner. However, he betrayed the Baron by stealing the plans for the Pitareeze Cruiser while Pitareeze was asleep, and then manufactured and sold cheaper versions, falsely claiming them as his original creations. When the ships Greck built began to fail due to faulty components, he pleaded with the Baron for assistance in rectifying the issues, but Pitareeze refused to help him. In response, Olag Greck resorted to kidnapping the Baron's grandson, Nak Pitareeze, coercing him into fixing his substandard vessels. Fortunately, Greck's scheme was thwarted before the repairs could be completed. C-3PO and R2-D2, who had come into the possession of the Pitareeze family, played a role in disrupting several of Greck's plots. Enraged, Greck attributed the failure of his ships to the Baron's interference.
Greck orchestrated a series of illicit activities in and around Hosk Station. One of these endeavors was a droid combat arena, where battle droids were pitted against each other. Earlier, he had made the imprudent decision to bring IG-88B to the station to participate in the arena fights. IG-88B not only defeated Greck but also absconded with a ship, escaping from Hosk. Greck also reprogrammed C-3PX to serve his purposes, but R2-D2 ultimately defeated the reprogrammed droid.
Ultimately, Greck was apprehended on Hosk while attempting to pilfer a shipment of ash ore. His intention was to destroy the station in order to facilitate his escape. Unit Zed, along with C-3PO, R2-D2, and several other droids, successfully prevented the detonation, but Greck managed to evade capture. Unit Zed, C-3PO, and R2-D2 pursued him to Nar Shaddaa, where he had arranged a meeting with his associate, Movo Brattakin. Zed's actions caused damage to Greck's ship, resulting in a crash into the hangar where Brattakin was waiting, which led to Brattakin's fatal injuries. Jace Forno, Brattakin's head of security and a former associate of Greck, incarcerated Greck for the death of Brattakin. Greck escaped and went to Boonda's Palace to negotiate with the Hutt. C-3PO and R2-D2 caught up with him again, unaware that the events unfolding were part of Movo Brattakin's scheme. Brattakin's loyal droid, B-9D7, had extracted his master's brain from his dying body and transplanted it into his own head. B-9D7 appeared at the palace, threatening to destroy it if anyone moved. Jace Forno then arrived and betrayed Brattakin by decapitating his droid body with a blaster shot. Greck attempted to continue his dealings with Boonda, but instead found himself taken captive by Boonda. Greck eventually escaped and went into hiding for several years.
Olag Greck resurfaced on Corellia, where he became known as an untrustworthy businessman. He established himself as the leader of the Greck gang, which consisted of thugs he had hired.

Olag Greck was referenced in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game created by Sony Online Entertainment and released by LucasArts, before it was shut down on December 15, 2011. Within the game, he was the leader of the faction bearing his name, although he did not make a personal appearance. Unused files from the game indicated that the developers had plans to introduce Olag Greck as a non-player character in Star Wars Galaxies at some point. According to these files, which were introduced with the "Publish 28," update on April 26, 2006, Olag Greck was intended to be present on Corellia and involved in a questline titled "Tyrena - Lyman Zavala." In this quest, the player would have been tasked by CorSec Captain Dool and the Tyrena city councilmen Lyman Zavala with investigating the connection between the Chirq Council and the Greck criminals. Olag Greck was slated to be the final enemy to defeat in order to conclude the questline. However, it is not known if Greck ever appeared on the game's live servers. Nevertheless, an emulated depiction derived from this character's Interchange File Format reveals what he would have looked like if he had been added to the game.