Nak Pitareeze

Nak Pitareeze's Story: A Human Youth from Kalarba

The young male Human known as Nak Pitareeze hailed from Kalarba, and was the offspring of Jarth and Meg Pitareeze. He once possessed both C-3PO and R2-D2, but the pirate Captain named Huba stole them. Although Nak regained ownership of the two droids, they soon departed for Nar Shaddaa.

While Artoo and Threepio were under his care, Nak sometimes took out his frustrations related to his parents emotional distance by playing tricks on them. He later regretted his actions and apologized to the droids.

Story of His Life

The Tales of Kalarba

C-3PO and R2-D2's arrival to Nak Pitareeze's life began when their escape pod crashed into a lake near his family's picnic. His parents then decided to take in R2-D2 and C-3PO, who became Nak's caretakers.

Soon after the Droids were appointed as Nak's guardians he restrained C-3PO by tying him to a tree and shocking R2-D2 with a restraining bolt. His grandfather, the Baron Pitareeze, intervened, disciplining him for his behavior.

Later, while the Baron Pitareeze was preparing dinner, the pirate Jace Forno arrived and suggested to Nak that his family had the potential to be wealthy. Nak persistently questioned his grandfather about Forno's statement.

The Baron then revealed that he had previously worked on a cruiser known as the Pitareeze Cruiser. The plans for the Pitareeze Cruiser were then stolen by the criminal Olag Greck.

Olag Greck produced a flawed prototype that failed. The Baron Pitareeze declined to assist Olag Greck in repairing the cruisers. Olag Greck blamed the failure of the Greck Cruiser on the Baron Pitareeze because of the Baron's decision.

After hearing this, Nak tried to sell the Baron Pitareeze's most recent creation, the MT-5 hyperdrive unit, to Olag Greck at Olag's base on Hosk. Nak took what he thought was an MT-5 hyperdrive unit from his Grandfather's office and tried to sell it to Olag Greck. C-3PO tried to talk Nak out of it, but Nak quickly turned C-3PO off. Olag discovered that the object was a hydrocompressor and destroyed it. He then held Nak hostage in exchange for one of the Baron Pitareeze hyperdrive units.

While Nak was tied up in Olag's office, he turned 3-PO on and ordered the droid to untie him. They then stole one of Olag's ships and crash landed on Kalarba. Nak then apologized to Threepio for playing so many tricks on him.

When Nak and Threepio returned to the Baron's factory, they discovered that the Baron had gone to Hosk to rescue Nak. Nak and Threepio joined forces with the Baron's employee, Balto, and flew to Hosk station.

At Hosk station, they successfully rescued the Baron and saved Olag's life by ending a transmission between him and an unidentified force user who was using Force choke on Olag. Sadly Olag had already taken the Hyperdrive from the Baron.

After The Baron Pitareeze, Nak Pitareeze, C-3PO, R2-D2, and Balto escaped Olag discovered that what he believed to be a Hyperdrive was actually a food hydrator.

Nak's parents disciplined him for his reckless behavior. Afterward Nak removed the restraining bolts from Threepio and R2-D2 in order to see if they were real friends.

Later Nak was captured by a group of pirates, led by Captain Huba. Nak attempted to escaped from the pirates but was quickly shot down and captured by Olag Grek. Olag used Nak to scout out the pirates base. Nak soon discovered that the pirates had elected Artoo as their captain. Olag attempted to kill the pirates but was stopped by a member of pirates known as Ripter.

Nak Pitareeze.

Nak learned that the pirates were actually chefs who shared Olag as mutual enemy after Olag attempted to pin an attempted murder on them. Nak told the Chefs one of a cave filled with treasure and the pirates released Artoo, Threepio and Nak in exchange for the cave's location.

While Nak was waiting for Threepio on Hosk station, Nak mistook the droid bounty hunter C-3PX for Threepio. Threepio eventually arrived and Nak discovered that Threepio had an X marked on his head similar to the one that C-3PX wore. C-3PO revealed to Nak that R2-D2 had disappeared and they went to look for him. While looking for Artoo, C-3PO was captured by Olag and sent to fight in his droid arena.

Nak then recruited C-3PX to help him in the recapture of Threepio. Nak arrived with C-3PX to save Threepio. Olag managed to convince C-3PX to replace C-3PO in the droid arena. C-3PX was destroyed by R2-D2 during his first fight. R2-D2 returned to Nak and they were saved as the Baron Pitareeze arrived with Hosk Security.

Back on Kalarba Nak learned that Jace Forno was interested in hiring C-3PO and R2-D2 for a trip to Indobok. Nak agreed and the droids left with Forno. After Forno's credit voucher bounced Nak and his family set off to recover the droids. Upon Nak's arrival he discovered that Artoo had been cast a drift by Forno and Threepio had been abandon on the planets surface.

The Pitareeze family set off to find Threepio and discovered that he was telling stories to the native inhabitants, known as the B'rknaa. After an Ash storm approached the Pitareeze family stayed the night in a cave on Indobok. The Pitareeze family then learned that Forno was returning with a band of pirates to steal the crystals that powered the B'rknaa. After the Pitareeze defeated the pirates C-3PO discovered that Indobok was an adult B'rknaa.

After his adventure on Indobok, Nak attempted to buy an old droid from Vuldo, a local junk dealer. After R2-D2 disappeared during the night, Nak used the old droid to look for Artoo. Upon discovery of Artoo's location Nak accidentally knocked Vuldo unconscious. Nak learned that Vuldo had forced the town's baby sitters Q-E and 2-E to manufacture blasters.

Character Traits

Nak was impulsive, often acting without thinking, as demonstrated by his sudden decision to escape on a speeder bike. He was also mischievous and struggled to follow directions, as shown by his attempt to sell his grandfather's hyperdrive unit.

