Huba served as the leader of the band of brigands known as the Indobok Pirates.

Huba's employment history includes a stint working for Boonda, a Hutt criminal. Olag Greck set him up, and Huba harbored resentment for Greck from that point forward, after Greck informed the Hutt that Huba and his team had attempted to contaminate his meal. As punishment, Boonda dispatched Huba and his subordinates to the crystal mines. They managed to break free and subsequently encountered C-3PO and R2-D2.
During a wager on a race, R2-D2 won the Captain's pendant from Huba, which technically appointed the astromech droid as the new leader. However, R2-D2 declined the position due to his programming, which prohibited him from theft or violence. To compensate for this, he gifted the pirates his personal recipe for Stenness pie as a farewell present.