

According to the Qel-Droma Epics, quasi-historical poems depicting events long before the Imperial Era, Teta was the Empress of the planet Koros Major. A warrior empress, Teta supposedly led a conquest of the Koros system during the Unification Wars, alongside the Jedi Master Odan-Urr. Teta was victorious, and the planet and system were eventually named in her honor. Empress Teta was forced to rebuild following the Unification Wars, and an invasion by the Sith Empire initiated the Great Hyperspace War. Together, Empress Teta and the Jedi Order drove back the forces of the Sith Lord Naga Sadow, scattering them across the galaxy.

The legends also detailed the formation of the dark side cult known as the Krath by corrupt noble descendants of Empress Teta one millennium later, taking over the system. Archaeological institutes tried to verify the Qel-Droma Epics through various expeditions, but their attempts were in vain. Despite this, a museum housed in the Great Library of Cinnagar on Empress Teta presented the events of the Qel-Droma Epics as factual history, as did most denizens of the planet. Additionally, the ruling Keto family claimed to be descended from the mythical empress.

Behind the scenes

Teta was first mentioned in the new Star Wars canon in the Nexus of Power, a sourcebook for Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars: Force and Destiny roleplaying game published in March 17, 2016. The character Teta originally appeared in the Star Wars Legends continuity in the prologue issue of the comic series Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi — The Golden Age of the Sith, written by Kevin J. Anderson and released on July 31, 1996.


  • Nexus of Power
