In this thrilling conclusion to "Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Slaves of the Republic," Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka Tano fight to free themselves and the kidnapped population of Kiros from a life of slavery - and it's not only the Zygerrian slavers they must battle... Count Dooku has arrived with Asajj Ventress with hopes of salvaging the new slave trade that has been fueled by Separatist efforts.
Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, and a small band of clone troopers infiltrate the Zygerrians slaver home world, Kadavo. The Zygerrians' head slaver threatens to kill all of the slaves unless Anakin and Ahsoka surrender. Anakin does not surrender, but then the clones' leader, Commander Cody, informs Anakin that Separatist reinforcements have arrived. The Separatists are led by Asajj Ventress. Ventress makes her way down to the planet, despite the clones' blockade around the planet, but Cody and the clones are able to blast the vulture droids out of the sky, forcing Ventress to retreat. Before Ventress is out of range, she blasts away the supports of the slave base, and the head guard is outraged and shocked to see that he has been betrayed by Ventress. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Captain Rex defeat the rest of the guards. The slaves' holding room was damaged in the blast, and they are going to fall into the lava below the base. The Jedi, though, are able to bring a small ship beneath the base to save the slaves. The Togruta then decide they need to learn how to defend themselves, and Rex shows them how to shoot back on Kiros, after they have blown up the base.