In the comic Milo Graf is referred to as Emil's "great-grandfather." However, Cavan Scott has confirmed that it should have been just "grandfather."
The cartographer, Emil Graf was running from First Order stormtroopers as he ordered BB-00 "Boo" to get the Star Herald ready for take off. CR-8R "Crater" was onboard the starship cataloging his memory spheres when the Kowakian monkey-lizard, Noni leaped out and attacked the stormtroopers. Using the distraction, the Star Herald quickly left the planet.
Graf contacted his great aunt Lina Graf and reported to her that he had found the Lost Library of Nelgenam. Lina was surprised by this as she had believed that the library was destroyed by the Nihil. Emil told her that he had learned the coordinates of the library from a data card that he had just stolen from the First Order. Lina warned Emil to be careful but Emil was to excited for the adventure to worry.
They landed near the library and began their journey to the ruins. Graf tried to open the doors but Crater quickly saved his life when it became unstable and large boulders fell. When Graf ignited the glowrod he realized that all the holobooks in the library were no longer there.
But then wreck-weavers attacked Boo and tangled the droid up in their webs. Graf realized that shining light on them makes them go away. After freeing Boo, Noni came racing to Graf. Noni was very worried about something when large librarian droids appeared. The librarian droids warned Graf about making too much noise in the library and drew their weapons.