The Size of the Fight

In a Twitter message, Barlow placed this comic between "The Future of the Force" and "Legacy" in the second season of Star Wars Rebels.

Plot summary

The story is from Zeb's perspective, he begins by talking about the positives and negatives of being as large and strong as he is. The story proper starts with Zeb installing a new capacitor onto the Ghost when it is stolen by a Chadra-Fan named Lister who runs off. Zeb follows Lister into a sewer hideout full of his kind. Zeb intimidates Lister into offering to return the capacitor but too late to stop the gang's boss Skraik and his pet Gundark Gigi from charging in. The Gundark pins Zeb down and Skraik orders him chained up.

Later, Lister frees Zeb, who declines to leave opting instead to try and free the gang from their maniacal leader. Zeb orchestrates an attack on Skraik in which a number of the Chadra-Fan detach Skraik's saddle. Gigi then joins their rebellion, attacking Skraik and driving him away. Zeb leaves victorious with his stolen capcitor.




