The Warren, also known simply as the Imperial Research Facility, was a top-secret Imperial military research facility on Dantooine during the Galactic Civil War.
During the years surrounding 0 ABY, the Warren was commanded by Colonel Bors Teraud. According to rumor, under Teraud's command, a rogue scientist experimented in genetics, cybernetics and brain translation to create an army of cyborgs loyal to Teraud with the plan of overthrowing Emperor Palpatine. The same rumors claim that the project failed when Teraud's scientist turned the cyborgs against the officer. When word of Teraud's fate reached the ears of his superiors, a spacer was hired to enter the Warren, gather evidence of the experiment and return it to his employers.
In 1 ABY, a Rebel officer Adar Tallon dispatched an operative to the facility in order to retrieve the security override codes of a Corellian corvette that was carrying a captured highly-decorated Alliance pilot.
The Warren appeared in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, prior to its closure on December 15, 2011. The Warren was added to the game with the "Publish 3," released on October 8, 2003.