Jedi Master Mace Windu traveled to Oosalon to investigate Guattako's child operation, and why it was funded by the Hutts. After confronting with Guattako, Windu demanded him to drop the operation, giving him a change to surrender.
After Guattako refused, Windu force pulled his lightsaber to himself as Guattako sent his men to attack him. After deflecting their blaster bolts, Quia began to send bolts towards Windu. Guattako then engaged in combat with Mace, swinging his axe at him.
Guattako hit Mace with the end of his axe knocking him out of the fight for a couple seconds. Before Guattako was able to swing at Windu again, a Pantoran boy shot Guattako in the chest, killing him.
Afterwards, Jedi Masters Plo Koon, Kit Fisto, Depa Billaba, and Qui-Gon Jinn arrived to the scene. Mace then hologramed Master Yoda, asking if they really saved everyone.
- Star Wars: Age of Republic — Heroes
- Star Wars: Age of Republic HC