Tiger Electronics

The company was founded in 1978 by Randy Rissman and Roger Shiffman. First producing low-tech iteams such as phonographs, by 1995 it began producing Hasbro and Sega products as well as acquiring Texas Instrument's toy division.

Tiger Electronics is best known for producing the fad toys Furbies and Giga Pets.

In 1998, Tiger Electronics Inc. was acquired by Hasbro; dropping the "Inc" from their name.


The company was founded in 1978 by Randy Rissman and Roger Shiffman. First producing low-tech iteams such as phonographs, by 1995 it began producing Hasbro and Sega products as well as acquiring Texas Instrument's toy division.

Tiger Electronics is best known for producing the fad toys Furbies and Giga Pets.

In 1998, Tiger Electronics Inc. was acquired by Hasbro; dropping the "Inc" from their name.

Star Wars products

  • Clone Trooper Blaster Game
  • Star Wars: Electronic Galactic Battle
  • Star Wars: Imperial Assault (R-Zone)
  • Star Wars: Jedi Adventure
  • Star Wars: Millennium Falcon Challenge
  • Star Wars: Rebel Forces
  • Star Wars: Episode I - Battle Tank Attack
  • Star Wars: Episode I - Droid Fighter Attack
  • Star Wars: Episode I - Gian Speeder Chase
  • Star Wars: Episode I - Gungan Sub Escape
  • Star Wars: Episode I - Jedi Hunt
  • Star Wars: Episode I - Lightsaber Duel
  • Star Wars: Episode I - Naboo Escape
  • Star Wars: Episode I - Podrace Challenge
  • Star Wars: Saga Edition: Lightsaber Battle Game
