Truly Sorry was a Rebel Alliance spacecraft assigned to Jan Ors' Rebel cell.
The ship was big enough to have a lounge. Defenses included an overhead laser turret.
There is a hatch at its belly, through which a ramp descends, activated with a numerical combination entered to a key pad next to the hatch. In its older years, the actuator moving the entry ramp was badly worn, wincing and stuttering as it descended.
The hyperspace motivator was behind a belly plate, housed within pieces of metalic casing weighing a hundred kilos, demanding the use of a hydraulic floor jack.
Inside there was a lounge leading either to the turrent or the cockpit. The ship had a tiny cargo compartment in which Ors kept a few spare parts, and a high-quality self-propelled box with her tools, operated with a thumbprint reader.
The Sorry was initially classified as a "speedster", but during its many years of service it had lost its abilities and operated only in a fraction of its original speed.
Ors operated it alongside Ris Waller and Rosco Ross and hoped that after their mission she would be allowed to choose some other ship. At some point, they were joined by the protocol droid A-Cee. The crew eventually settled on the luxury star liner Star of Empire and the Sorry was docked in the cruise ship's hangar.
During their trip and stay there, Sorrys hyperspace motivator tended to produce dangerously false propulsion readings. Two days before their planned departure from the hangar, Ors went by herself to run some checks on the motivator.
Ors neglected using a flood jack or asking for help, and as she removed the external plate, and backed the last bolt of the motivator housing, it dropped into her hands with all its weight, immobilizing her. She was joined by Kyle Katarn who helped her, and offered to help, and as Ors worked on the wiring harness, Katarn ran the diagnostics; they replaced the sensor package and readjusted the power breaker.
They were found out by the Rodian bounty hunter Slyder, however, and were forced to make a hasty retreat. Ors ordered her men, and Katarn, to board the ship in order to leave; it was already manned by Waller while Rosco waited for Ors and A-Cee. Katarn came first and briefly took command, as he remembered the code to initialize the systems, and knew how to pilot.
As the hangar control woman disallowed Sorry from disembarking, Kyle used the repulsors and taxied the ship. The controller ordered the ship to return to its slot and lower the ramp to be boarded, but Katarn refused, threating to shot the doors; realising (by checking the weapon selector switches) that the ship's lasers weren't strong enough, he instead told Waller to blow up a SoroSuub shuttle.
Indeed, the hangar was filled with the sound of klaxon, flashes of warning lights and orders to clear the deck in emergency; personnel ran towards the locks. The controller to open the hangar doors, depressurizing the deck. Kyle managed to move the Truly Sorry towards Jan who collapsed out of lack of oxygen and Rosco who picked her up; once Rosco stepped on the ramp, he pulled them in.
Men in space suits boarded another ship and one threw a concussion grenade against the Sorry. It hastily left through the half-opened doors, the larger vessel behind them; as Kyle failed to update the navcomp, they had to survive until it detected the local beacons. As they couldn't outrun the vessel, Jan turned the Sorry to a course against their pursuers and opened fire, despite its stronger shield. That moment, just out of luck, the ship was destroyed because of an internal explosion; they had activated A-Cee's self-destruct mechanism.
The Sorry safely arrived to the New Hope. When Katarn and Ors later accepted the task of flying to the planet Danuta for a Rebel mission, Katarn wished he could rather choose the Sorry than the ships available, but as it was not in the hangar, he instead chose the Moldy Crow for use.