Unidentified Clone Sergeant (Yavin 4)

This clone sergeant was a clone trooper sergeant who served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. The clone participated in the Battle of Muunilinst under the command of Obi-Wan Kenobi and, following the conclusion of the conflict on the planet, he and his platoon received orders from the Jedi Master to follow Jedi Commander Anakin Skywalker to Yavin 4.


This clone trooper sergeant was one of the many clone troopers created on Kamino based on the DNA of bounty hunter Jango Fett with the purpose of serving the Galactic Republic as a soldier. In 22 BBY, four months after the Battle of Geonosis, the sergeant fought in the Battle of Muunilinst, an engagement which he survived and which was won by the Republic. Shortly after the battle, Asajj Ventress flew above the city of Harnaidan in her Ginivex-class starfighter while being followed by Anakin Skywalker, passing over the sergeant and numerous other clones stationed in the city along with Obi-Wan Kenobi. After Skywalker refused to break pursuit of the Dark Acolyte, the Jedi Master ordered the clone sergeant and his platoon to follow the Padawan. He and his men executed the order, leaving Muunilinst immediately in a CR-20 troop carrier.

A short time after Skywalker landed on Yavin 4 and searched for Ventress, the clones' troop carrier landed next to the Azure Angel and the sergeant, along with his troops, fanned out of the ship. He ordered his platoon to secure the surroundings before Skywalker met with them at the landing site and called out the sergeant. He stood at attention as he saluted the Jedi Padawan, who asked him if he had been given orders by Kenobi to follow him. The sergeant confirmed this as Jedi grew annoyed with his Master. Nevertheless, Skywalker told him to have some men look after their ships and to take the rest to sweep the jungle for Ventress. The clone complied and followed his Jedi commander in the search for the assassin.

However, as the sergeant and the rest of the platoon spread out to cover a larger area, Ventress killed him and the others one by one before destroying their ship, as well as Skywalker's, and attacking the Jedi.


This clone trooper sergeant wore standard Phase I armor and brandished a DC-15A blaster rifle.

Behind the scenes

The clone leading the unit sent after Anakin Skywalker was originally depicted as an Alpha-class Advanced Recon Commando Lieutenant in Clone Wars Chapter 11, though this leader was changed to the clone trooper sergeant seen in Clone Wars Chapter 17.






