Unidentified Cymoon 1 species

A species of sentient beings with pink flesh and yellow eyes inhabited the junkyards of the moon Cymoon 1 in the Corellian Industrial Cluster. Members of the species had tentacles protruding from all parts of their body, some of which they used as limbs. A group of scavengers belonging to the species began dismantling the light freighter known as the Millennium Falcon while it was hidden in the junkyards near the Imperial Weapons Factory Alpha. The protocol droid C-3PO, who was inside the Falcon as it was being taken apart, attempted to initiate the starships autopilot feature in order to pick up a group of Rebels who had sabotaged the weapons factory. The droid discovered however that autopilot was not functional due to the scavengers work, and was ordered by the Falcon's owner, Han Solo to prevent the creatures from further dismantling the ship.

Behind the scenes

The species first appeared, but went unnamed, in Star Wars (2015) 1 a comic book illustrated by John Cassaday and written by Jason Aaron. The comic book was released in 2015, and was the first comic published by Marvel Comics after they re-obtained the Star Wars license. Cassaday designed the species with the limitations on costume and makeup that existed during the filming of the Original trilogy in mind, wanting the aliens to look like they could be played by an actor in costume or a puppet, not using CGI.









