A Hynestian female was queen of the Colonies planet Hynestia Prime during the High Republic Era. In 382 BBY, a Force artifact known as the Rod of Seasons owned by the queen was stolen from the Hynestian royal palace by members of the Path of the Open Hand cult. Afterward, she demanded the aid of the Jedi Order in retrieving the artifact, though the assigned Jedi—Jedi Master Zallah Macri and Padawan Kevmo Zink—were unsuccessful, and the rod remained in the group's possession.
A Hynestian female member of the Hynestian royal family lived during the High Republic Era. By 382 BBY, she ruled the Colonies planet Hynestia Prime as queen. The Rod of Seasons, a Force artifact that was part of a set of three that could control the Force-eating Nameless creatures, was owned by the queen and kept within the Hynestian royal palace's Royal Treasury in Hynestia's capital city. That year, the rod was stolen during a local festival by the Children of the Open Hand—a group in the Path of the Open Hand cult who obtained Force artifacts for the Path's leader, Elecia Zeveron—including the Evereni Yana Ro.
The theft of the Rod of Seasons left the queen furious, and she ordered the aid of the Jedi Order in retrieving it. Five days later, Jedi Master Zallah Macri informed her Padawan, Kevmo Zink, of the theft of the rod from the queen. As the pair were the closest Jedi to the world the Path resided on—the Outer Rim planet Dalna—they traveled there to carry out their investigation of the incident. Upon arrival, Zink mentally noted the queen's enraged reaction to the rod's theft and her request for the Order's assistance. However, the Jedi pair's attempts to recover the Rod of Seasons on Dalna ultimately failed, and the Path's Guide Marda Ro eventually acquired the rod with it later coming into possession of her descendant, Marchion Ro.
After the theft of the Rod of Seasons, the queen became enraged and demanded the Jedi Order help her in recovering the artifact.
The queen owned the Rod of Seasons, which was capable of controlling the Nameless creatures, until it was stolen by the Path of the Open Hand.
The Hynestian queen was mentioned in the young-adult novel The High Republic: Path of Deceit, written by Justina Ireland and Tessa Gratton as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase II and published on October 4, 2022. Prior to the novel's release, she was indirectly mentioned in an excerpt of the work that was published on StarWars.com on September 26 of the same year.