Unidentified Imperial captain (Liberator)

An human male officer served as the captain of the Liberator, a Venator-class Star Destroyer of the Imperial Navy. Short, bearded, and grey-haired, he commanded the Liberator when it was deployed to Nam Chorios in 14 BBY. The Star Destroyer was in orbit of the planet because it was believed that the world may be the next target of the rebel group that hijacked Moff Wilhuff Tarkin's personal corvette. The captain spoke with Tarkin aboard the Star Destroyer before the Moff left on a shuttle. However, the rebel group's target was not Nam Chorios, so the Liberator and her crew were sent to the planet Ord Cestus.

The captain made his first and only appearance in James Luceno's 2014 novel Tarkin.

Behind the scenes

The captain made his first and only appearance in James Luceno's 2014 novel Tarkin.






