A Killik female once travelled aboard a passenger car of a train on a mission on the planet Kamil during the First Order-Resistance War. During a mission to secure livestock for the Resistance, Poe Dameron and Finn encountered this Killik and their nest.
The Killik first appeared in the Hyperspace Stories 3, which was written by Cecil Castellucci and illustrated by Andy Duggan. In the Star Wars Legends continuity, Killiks lacked individuality, however, this Killik uses a first-person singular pronoun. This may be an error, or a deliberate change.
The Killik first appeared in the Hyperspace Stories 3, which was written by Cecil Castellucci and illustrated by Andy Duggan. In the Star Wars Legends continuity, Killiks lacked individuality, however, this Killik uses a first-person singular pronoun. This may be an error, or a deliberate change.