During the conflict that pitted the First Order against the Resistance, known as the war, General Leia Organa sent Resistance operatives, specifically Poe Dameron and Finn, to the planet Kamil. Their objective was to procure animals to support the Resistance. As the mission unfolded, Dameron and Finn received information regarding Dhar Wat, who was involved in the sale of replacement components. Abandoning their initial task, they pursued the train on which Wat was traveling. Wat disclosed that the First Order had confiscated his components and relocated them to a different carriage. Dameron and Finn then began searching for the parts, but were quickly confronted by First Order officers. A pursuit took place throughout the train, culminating in the First Order cornering them inside a storage carriage. A skirmish then occurred, with Finn and Dameron successfully subduing the First Order forces using close combat techniques. Subsequently, Finn discovered the replacement components and detached the carriage from the rest of the train. They also came across livestock on their carriage, which they brought back to the Resistance.