A sentient species resided on the planet Ridlay. A group of the species lived in a settlement consisting of stone structures, situated near the Ascension Well. Every fifty years, during Ridlay's total eclipses, beings emerged from the Ascension Well that the inhabitants believed to be spirits, and as such the eclipse was a time of celebration, where the lands of the living and the dead were combined. On an eclipse that took place during the Clone Wars, however, the beings attacked the Ridlay inhabitants, forcing them to flee from their homes and hide in a shelter. After Jedi Master Mace Windu was sent to investigate the lack of communications from Ridlay, he was brought to the shelter by Agon after encountering the supposed spirits. Windu did not believe that the beings were truly ghosts, and upon further investigation learned that they were alive and had conflicted minds, but was subsequently confronted by Count Dooku, leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.