In 7 ABY, the Hawk-bat Independent Space Force—Wraith Squadron in disguise—attacked and boarded the Corellian freighter Barderia while she was on a trade trip. The chief pilot showed a tough demeanor upon meeting General Kargin, who was Wraith pilot Garik Loran in disguise.
A second attack was again staged on the Barderia upon her return trip back to the Halmad system.
In 7 ABY, the Hawk-bat Independent Space Force—Wraith Squadron in disguise—attacked and boarded the Corellian freighter Barderia while she was on a trade trip. The chief pilot showed a tough demeanor upon meeting General Kargin, who was Wraith pilot Garik Loran in disguise.
A second attack was again staged on the Barderia upon her return trip back to the Halmad system.