The Hawk-bat Independent Space Force, better known simply as the Hawk-bats, were a covert front maintained by Wraith Squadron during their campaign against rogue Imperial Warlord Zsinj.
As the Hawk-bats, the Wraiths operated out of the abandoned asteroid mine A3 in the Halmad system, and used the Xiytiar-class transport Sungrass to transport their stolen TIE/LN starfighters and TIE/IN interceptors. The Hawk-bats committed several successful acts of piracy in and around the Halmad system, before getting the attention of Zsinj. The Hawk-bats then successfully infiltrated Zsinj's organization, joining in the warlord's attack on the Kuat Drive Yards. They managed to help destroy Razor's Kiss and gathered a significant amount of useful information about the warlord.
- General Kargin (alias of Garik Loran)
- Captain Seku (alias of Dia Passik)
- Lieutenant Dissek (alias of Kell Tainer)
- Lieutenant Kettch (alias of Wedge Antilles)
- Qatya Nassin (alias of Shalla Nelprin)
- Morrt (alias of Voort saBinring)
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
- Galaxy at War