
Kettch, a made-up Ewok X-wing pilot within Wraith Squadron, originated from a practical joke played by pilot Wes Janson.


Wes Janson concocted the Kettch persona as a prank during the pursuit of Warlord Zsinj, much to the displeasure of Wedge Antilles. Wes's description of Kettch depicted him as an enthusiastic Ewok equipped with prosthetic enhancements enabling him to pilot an X-wing. When the Wraiths adopted the identity of a pirate organization, the Hawk-bat Independent Space Force, the joke evolved beyond its initial intent. A stuffed Ewok doll started appearing throughout the Hawk-bat base, within the cockpits of the pilots' starfighters, and Wedge even discovered that the communication system of his TIE/IN interceptor's had been altered, causing his voice to sound like an Ewok.

During the Wraiths' visit to Iron Fist disguised as Hawk-bat pirates, Zsinj inquired of Garik "Face" Loran (posing as General Kargin) whether their group included an Ewok starfighter pilot, having learned about Wedge's analyzed transmissions. Face swiftly fabricated a narrative about Kettch's background, drawing heavily from the real-life experiences of Gamorrean pilot Voort "Piggy" saBinring, a fellow Wraith. This led Warlord Zsinj to believe that Kettch might be a fugitive from Epsilon Wing of the Binring Biomedical Product facility located on Saffalore. Consequently, during the Battle of Kuat, Antilles was compelled to fly his fighter with the Kettch doll affixed to his person, creating the illusion for many pilots that an Ewok was actually piloting the starfighter. At the start of the battle, the Hawk-Bats utilized the tactical maneuver known as Kettch's Drill, devised by Antilles, to eliminate several enemy fighters before engaging in the main dogfight.

Ultimately, Wedge exploited the Kettch deception to retaliate against Wes for his numerous pranks. With the assistance of the other Wraiths, Wedge orchestrated an intricate scheme that resulted in Wes being exposed completely nude before the entire squadron. This marked the conclusion of Lieutenant Kettch's appearances and the associated pranks.

However, the legend of Kettch persisted in a way. His fictional story inspired Zsinj to task his scientists with creating a genuine Ewok pilot, Kolot, complete with prosthetics and the ability to speak Basic. Kolot escaped the Iron Fist alongside Gara Petothel, accompanying her to Corellia. Gara, whose real name was Kirney Slane, found this situation ironic, stating, "We're both lies that eventually became the truth."

Behind the scenes

An Ewok warrior climbing into the cockpit of a New Republic X-wing

A depiction of an Ewok pilot featured in the 1993 Star Wars Gamemaster Handbook predates the Kettch character by several years. This image is considered canon within the Legends continuity and may have even served as inspiration for the Kettch storyline. However, it remains unclear whether it should be interpreted as a representation of Wraith Squadron's stuffed Ewok or as a depiction of a real Ewok pilot such as Kolot or Tarfang.

Author Chris Cassidy assisted in the creation of a custom Kettch action figure for Aaron Allston.

The notion of a real Kettch did not emerge until his name was used for a Hasbro action figure in 2008, as part of an Ewok three-pack that included Machook and Keoulkeech. The packaging suggests that an Ewok named Kettch participated in a conflict with the Lahsbees following the Battle of Endor, as depicted in Marvel Comics' Star Wars 94.

