Keoulkeech, an Ewok shaman, was also the elder sibling of Leektar.
As they matured in Red Bush Grove, Keoulkeech demonstrated superior abilities compared to Leektar in various domains, notably in mending and connecting with animals. Leektar, envious of his brother, beseeched the Leaf Queen to elevate his standing within their tribe. This resulted in an electrical blaze that swept through Red Bush Grove, claiming every life except for Leektar and Keoulkeech, though neither knew of the other's survival. During the Battle of Endor, Keoulkeech participated as a combatant within Chief Chirpa's assault group.

Following the Empire's downfall, Keoulkeech became enmeshed in the brief clash between the Ewoks and their Rebellion allies, the Lahsbees. This conflict was instigated by the Hiromi named Hirog. In anticipation of a war that ultimately did not occur, Keoulkeech put on a stormtrooper helmet and belt that belonged to the Empire.
After the confrontations on Endor, Keoulkeech dedicated himself to alleviating the suffering of the forest. During this period, he realized his capacity to converse with the Great Trees of the forest moon, who conveyed their needs for assistance. Keoulkeech was soon reunited with Leektar, his younger brother, who had achieved the status of Honorary Elder in Bright Tree Village. However, their renewed connection was short-lived. Having completed his healing endeavors, Keoulkeech visited Salfur's Trading Post, where he observed a Carosite medical transport stocked with provisions destined for Yir Tangee. Recognizing that his therapeutic skills were needed beyond the forest, Keoulkeech embarked with the transport. He became a passenger on the Carosite medical frigate Sudden Restoration, offering medical support to planets devastated by the Galactic Civil War. Furthermore, he formed associations with the Bith musician Ballifore Figg and the Bimm bard Vasnish Kay.
Keoulkeech's name originates from an Ewok mythological warrior and hunter.

Keoulkeech was initially referenced within the roleplaying game supplement titled Heroes & Rogues. This publication mentions his involvement in the Battle of Endor, although no Ewok featured in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi has been definitively identified as that specific character.
In 2008, Keoulkeech was immortalized with his debut Hasbro action figure, included within an Ewok three-pack alongside Machook and Kettch. The packaging suggests that an Ewok bearing the name Keoulkeech participated in a conflict with the Lahsbees following the Battle of Endor, an event depicted in Marvel Comics' Star Wars 94. The San Diego Comic Con (SDCC) 2008: Hasbro Star Wars presentation, which unveiled upcoming figures, initially portrayed Keoulkeech as a dark-furred Ewok adorned with a red hood. However, the figure was eventually released as a tan-colored Ewok wearing a purple hood, an appearance initially attributed to Machook. An unidentified light-furred Ewok clad in stormtrooper armor, as seen in the Marvel comic, corresponds with the action figure package's depiction of Keoulkeech. Nevertheless, Heroes & Rogues describes him as having brown and gray striped fur.