Ballifore Figg

Ballifore Figg, sometimes referred to by the moniker "Balli the Horn," was a Bith musician active during the era of the Galactic Civil War.


Ballifore was a dedicated musician of the Kloo horn. With his band, Hyperspaze and the Jump Lanes, he journeyed across the galaxy, performing on numerous worlds. He was the primary creative force behind the band's music, composing the majority of their songs. While he experimented with writing lyrics, he felt less confident in this area and preferred that the band's lead singer, Jardra, handle those duties, as he considered her to be more skilled with words.

This talented Bith also oversaw the band's single productions, earning the respect of his fellow musicians for his work on their albums. Indeed, many artists sought out Ballifore to produce their own recordings.

The Galactic Empire, through the Imperial Board of Culture, prohibited Hyperspaze and the Jump Lanes from releasing their music. This severe action stemmed from the release of their album, Trench Warfare, which Imperial censors deemed unacceptable. However, as often occurs, this ban fueled the underground subculture's interest in the record, leading to its rapid sell-out on every illegal release.

One of his most notable tours took him through the Outer Rim Territories, where he and Hyperspaze and the Jump Lanes performed for the benefit of stationed troops and refugees at several key Rebel Alliance safe-worlds.

Among his many acquaintances were the Bimm bard Vasnish Kay and the Ewok shaman Keoulkeech.

Personality and traits

Ballifore possessed a remarkable talent for nearly all aspects of music. He could compose songs, refine them in post-production, produce both albums and singles, and expertly play the kloo horn, the synth-harmonica and, notably, the Kitonak chidinkalu. Despite his talent, he was keenly aware of the struggles of others, and this empathy led him to dedicate much of his Outer Rim tour to supporting the Alliance to Restore the Republic. This commitment meant that, for security reasons, he never learned the names of many of the planets where he performed, nor the identities of the people who congratulated him after the shows. He had to wear blindfolds during transportation to hidden rebel bases and adjust his sensitive eyes to the intense stage lights to obscure the audience's faces.

Ultimately, these sacrifices were insignificant to the musician, as he was gratified to find such enthusiastic listeners among the resistance fighters. He even overcame his initial reservations about a group as heavily armed as the Alliance, given his Bith commitment to pacifism. The energy he received from the audience inspired him to create such famous hits as "Trench Warfare" and "Alderaan Star Scream."

He often reflected that, with these people, he had discovered the sound he had always been in search of.


Ballifore was known to travel with extensive equipment while on tour, typically carrying at least three footlockers overflowing with various outfits. He also owned a 2AS2 sound reproduction droid, which assisted him in his production work for the band.


  • Heroes & Rogues (First mentioned)
  • Slugthrowers: An Overview of Popular Music and Musicians in a Galaxy Far, Far Away, Part 2 on (article) (content now obsolete; backup link)
