Talk: Immi Thrax

Rebel Rising info

Hi there, I was wondering if you could provide the scene and/or page number where the mention of menstruation occurs in Rebel Rising, since you added the book to the article's appearances. Thanks! RattsT (talk) 22:06, June 23, 2020 (UTC)

  • Certainly! I'm not sure how to work it into the actual article besides the appearances. It's indirectly mentioned in chapter 4 between Idryssa Barruck and Jyn Erso; Idryssa "had a private conversation with her about . Jyn suspected Saw had invited Idryssa in part just to talk to her, and she appreciated both the kindness and the fact that he never brought it up." Outside of the book itself, E. K. Johnston commented about the behind-the-scenes for that scene on her Tumblr -- Immi Thrax () 00:27, June 25, 2020 (UTC)

7.2 Reply

I've attempted to address your concerns using the examples you showed me. While it was never my intention to copy anyone's work, I agree that those edits are too close to the sources. I made those edits when I was working on expanding the article with all of the new Episode IX material, and in my effort to adhere to the Wookieepedia:Neutral point of view, I went way overboard with the amount of information that I added and the way it was written. I was too concerned about breaking the NPOV policy that I didn't consider how closely I was following the sources, which was obviously a mistake on my part so I apologize for the extra work it's made for you, but I appreciate your efforts to improve the page. It's turned out much better than I could have hoped for since you started working on it and I would be glad to help with fixing it. JRT2010 (talk) 08:10, August 16, 2020 (UTC)

The Rise of Skywalker adaptation

If I were you, I would not revert the cancellation of The Rise of Skywalker adaptation from Marvel Comics.

This is the result of what you just did:

And the reason for this is because the cancellation of The Rise of Skywalker is not a speculation; it is a fact. Now think about that and discuss it before you do anything else. AdamDeanHall (talk) 17:05, 19 January 2021 (UTC)

My recent contributions

i got that extra creature and plant information from the field guide by To errl Whitlatch


Hopefully I got the right person. Just wondering why have you put a notice up on my ARC-170 fighter page? Its not plagiarized, only one paragraph is copied, the rest is in my own-words. Can I remove the notice, because I think it's unfair. Thanks Phant0mMenace21 (talk) 11:27, 3 February 2021 (UTC)

Yeah, sorry. How do I put citations in? I won't do it again sorry, and I'll check to see if the page is already real. Phant0mMenace21 (talk) 11:30, 3 February 2021 (UTC)


Thankyou for giving me the citation tutorial it was very helpful, I'll be more mindful in the future and not copy copyrighted material and claim that it's my own work. Thanks again. Phant0mMenace21 (talk) 11:56, 3 February 2021 (UTC)


Hi! I have been through the entire episode and its script, and cannot find a mention of a banshee. Do you know where it was? Thanks! Crowbuster (talk) 02:39, 14 February 2021 (UTC)

Mandalore feedback [reply]

Hey, thank you for reaching out on my work for Mandalore the Ultimate. I've indeed contributed quite a bit to him lately out of interest for the character. Regarding the historical comparisons I made with him, I suppose I just found it to be fascinating background information (although mostly theoretical) and didn't know where else to share it. I also understand what you mean in terms of having more "encyclopedic" tone, most of my previous edits used a lot of loaded language which I've tried to rectify recently. So I appreciate the edits made in adding more professionalism to my contributions. With that said, there is a chance I'll continue to work on MTU in the future, and will be sure to keep your feedback in mind as I do. Thanks again! - Samlikeimaboss

The Sslug Syrp-- Sug ssy-- Ssulg sillurp--bah, here's your slime thing.

Cliff Dweller

Robin Pronovost

Thank you for working towards getting Robin's deadname deleted from their entry. A friend of Robin's contacted me and let me know that Robin has been trying to get their deadname removed from their entry page. I popped in to make the change and saw that the page was protected, and caught up with the admin discussion & vote on the subject. Just let the rest know that Robin Provonost themself wants their entry to not contain the former name, and respecting the real world people regarding their entries has got to be a priority. Jawajames (talk) 04:20, 18 March 2021 (UTC)

Changes to GoA and FoD books to Young Readers' Books on Canon Timeline

Thanks for updating the timeline to fix categorisation of the chapter book adaptations. Before I initially changed the GoA book to YR, I actually bought the ebook edition just to see if there was any concrete evidence to relegate it to YR and, while it still felt as readable as some of the JR novels, it was not available to read on any e-readers but only on amazon's android tablets which, for me, felt like enough of a reason to make it YR - but the FoD books are available like any other books. It seems more consistent the way you have categorised them but do you mind explaining the reasoning behind this? Just so that I can do it right the first time in the future. Thanks. AdonFox (talk) 09:31, 18 March 2021 (UTC) Edit: This discussion has been continued on my talk page. I am not sure whether or not to delete this but I suppose it might be handy for reference. Immi please delete if don't think this is necessary.


You have been blocked from contributing for 1 month for violating Wookieepedia's Sockpuppetry policy; specifically, item 2 of "Examples of sockpuppetry": Alternatively, users may try to recruit friends from other websites in order to help them support a particular position. This practice is commonly known as meatpuppetry and is similarly prohibited on Wookieepedia. You have violated this policy by retweeting and thereby promoting this tweet, which itself is a clear and demonstrable example of a violation of this policy. Because of the highly emotional and sensitive nature of this CT forum, the public attention it's receiving, as well as my own opinions on the vote, I consulted with five other administrators before reaching this decision, two of whom supported this CT, two of whom opposed it, and one who has currently abstained, to provide balanced and objective feedback and eliminate any perception of attempting to alter this vote's outcome. All of the administrators agreed that this a definite violation of the rule and that the integrity of our policies and procedures must be upheld. To contest this block, please contact the blocking administrator with the reason you believe the block is unjustified. Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 02:01, 28 March 2021 (UTC)

Regarding my block

My block was removed by Fandom, rather than by the blocking administrator or a consensus among the administrators, and came as a surprise to me as they had not made contact with me. Due to the ongoing CT vote, I had not yet attempted to appeal the duration of my block, though I had intended to do so. I also wrote and revised a statement that I was unable to post earlier due to the block:

I retweeted that in the belief it was raising attention for existing Wookieepedians of a voting thread taking place that they might also care deeply about yet not be aware of—not on Discord getting announcements of new CTs, not usually engaging in CTs, etc. I additionally tweeted my suggestion that, aside from the vote, another way Wooks who cared about the intersection of the LGBTQIA+ community and Star Wars could contribute was by giving attention to articles about related characters and creators. I also acknowledged that the voting eligibility requirements meant Wookieepedians whose activity had lapsed prior to the vote would not, in fact, be able to vote after all, and that I thought that was unfortunate.

My retweet was not an attempt to recruit new users to farm their votes, which was my understanding of "meatpuppeting"—that it was soliciting votes from previously uninvolved people, trying to tip your side with a flood of new users only there for that purpose. I had roughly 20 followers at the time of the retweet, and the majority of those are Wookieepedians. From my perspective, I was signal boosting a call to less than 20 people who were already part of this site and eligible to vote; I was not "trying to recruit friends from other websites." If I had known retweeting about a vote would qualify under "meatpuppetry" as a respondent, I would not have retweeted it. If I had been given the opportunity to delete that retweet, I would have deleted it.

I believe in acknowledging mistakes and attempting to make amends. I did not support the chaos that erupted on social media, and actively attempted to counter the misinformation. Some people have been framing the whole community is this or the whole administration is that, and others have believed it without researching further. I don't know how to repair this false narrative, but I have tried. My intention was never to harm this site—only to improve it—by defending my queer community; educating people unfamiliar with trans rights on how protecting the human rights of trans folx is relevant to this site; and improving upon policies that would benefit from or require revision. I hope to continue doing so.

I'm honored that I am Wookieepedian of the Month for April 2021, and I close with this quote:

—Immi Thrax 11:24, 1 April 2021 (UTC)

  • We've already spoke of this, but I was really impressed with how you kept your cool, and made the most of a dire situation, all this while staying true to yourself. That was inspiring. Thanks. While you really deserved the WotM nomination, I do believe that you're now even more deserving of the WotM commendation than before this crisis ^^. I really hope you'll stick around. --NanoLuuke 10:20, 2 April 2021 (UTC)

Coruscant Cooler

It's all true

It's not based on speculation it's all true because I have watched the Ewoks cartoon show and read many of the Ewok comic books.

Have you even read a single Ewok comic book or watched a single episode from the Ewok cartoon to series? Scales and Armor 2:48 (UTC)

Moof milk yogurt

Yub Nub


There has been no personal attack and I have accused anyone of anything. You said that it's not appropriate to accuse but I have done zero inappropriate and haven't accused anyone at all. I haven't done any of that I have done 0% of that. Right now what you are doing is playing the blame game.

I haven't committed any personal attacks. Tell me how come you get away with saying things like this? Not once have I heard you say I'm sorry I'll back off you have been hammering me with messages since my first day and first edit on here. Not easing up on a person that's a real personal attack and you haven't let up at all. You have nagged, pestered, criticized and pounded me over everything that I have done.

Never once have you apologized say hey sorry to bother you but I need to talk to you about something. You have also never once apologized saying sorry I don't want to cause any drama but I wanted to talk you about a few things that have happened on here.

I'm trying to load up the link to my talk page but it's not loading up something wrong but I think I probably got the link to my message wal/talk page correct this time. Scales and Armor (talk) 9:09 April 19 2021


I didn't even realize we were both editing at the same time at first, apologies for the cross-edit! I thought I had just forgotten to save my own edit previously. Why don't we make a "" category for those that are known to be Alcoholic beverages, and another for non-alcoholic ciders, to be placed in Beverages? They could link to each other via the category description as well. Not being able to find the predominantly-alcoholic category of ciders (defined in canon sources as a type of alcohol) under the Alcoholic beverages category would undoubtedly be confusing and at cross-purposes to categorizing them as such.--Matthias777 (talk) 17:55, 25 April 2021 (UTC)

  • Just got a chance to come back to this and fact-check a few of those. Everything looks great now, actually! With the exception of Spice Runner Hard Cider, all of the ciders that were previously listed as alcoholic shouldn't have been (some may be, but none were more than implied as such), and now are where they need to be. The only thing I'm going to add is to include Cider/Legends in Alcoholic beverages and leave it otherwise undisturbed; cider as an alcoholic beverage seems to only have been explicitly referred to as such as the general beverage type, and not any specific drinks. Thanks for all the work you've done!—Matthias777 (talk) 01:27, 26 April 2021 (UTC)

Green hemispheres

Topps 1970s series naming

I noticed the renaming of the old Topps card series articles. I'm just wondering what the source of those new titles being the official ones is. The only place I see those names is the Trading Card Database site, which isn't an official source. --JMM (talk) 12:56, 13 May 2021 (UTC)

Parwan Nutricake

Daniel M. Lavery

Thank you for founding WookieeProject_Pride!

Thank you for this important project! I'm experienced with Wikipedia, but still new to Wookieepedia. I'd love to help how I can :) -- YakovChaimTzvi (talk) 18:01, 4 June 2021 (UTC)

tfa tlj and tros are not canon

people have the right to like what they want but saying tfa tlj and tros is not canon is not a opinion its a fact its okay if some people like those movies but they are not canon

Wookiee Leader

I believe I speak for the community by bestowing this award, Immi. Especially over the last few months and even up to today, you have proven to be a positive force in this community. You have spurred many changes around here this year, and have shown vast initiative. From WookieeProject Pride, to the transitioning of Sexes to Gender, to the Breast/Legends image, and to much more like your coverage of food and fashion. While doing all of that, you maintain a good-spirited positive attitude towards others, and thoroughly research and provide an abundance of information in your policy and Senate Hall proposals. As such, I'd like to give you this Wookiee Leader Award! --Vitus Infinitus 01:17, 28 June 2021 (UTC)

Forgot Something?

I don't remember but who do I talk to when I have questions? Because I don't know how or remember how to upload pictures on here? It's not working and it won't let load any photos and I'm freaking out?

I took a few screenshots from the Ewoks cartoon and a few screenshots with information about Oola from the books. But I don't know how to send pictures to let people know what I found? The reason why I want to know how to send screenshots so I can provide proof of what I found.

You probably think that it is weird to have screenshots of information from pages of books that I have read. While I noticed that there is no personality or traits on Oola's page. So I took screenshots parts that describe Oola's character in the books. Parts and words like headstrong, foolish, vain, naive, self delusion, jealousy, bitterness, optimism, prideful, selfishly and a few other things. Those words have been used to describe Oola a few times some of them use even more than once. "Her jealousy and pride flared up" is one of the parts I can remember without looking at the screenshot photo.

I remember something about in the books when Oola believed about Bib Fortuna's lies about Jabba being handsome and that he would give her many luxuries. How he told her that she would get a lot of attention and applause. Somewhere in the books and I have a screenshot of it to give proof one of the pages says that the stories and tales of Jabba were mouth watering to Oola. "He spun her mouth watering tales" it says something similar to that so Oola was so impressed to the point where her mouth was watering or she almost felt that way hearing about Jabba.

But I don't know how to upload photos so I can send the screenshots of information and words used to describe Oola to help write her personality, characteristics and traits? I have no clue no idea how to send pictures as proof and to be given the ok to write her personality and traits?

Scales and Armor talk 4:17 July 3 2021

I was told in the past on other wikis before my current history on here that I can't edit or add things I need proof and sources to provide where the information comes from. There's no websites or web links to say hey this is where the information comes from. The only thing that I have are pages from The Tales of Jabba's Palace and pages from Star Wars Fact File 96. Those are the only things that I have to give on Oola's personality and that's all I have are the pages from those books that I have read no link or web sources.

How can I give a source when all I have are just pages from Tales of Jabba's Palace and pages from The Official Star Wars Fact File 96? That's were I got the information for Oola's personality and found the words describing her character. Other than that I have no sources to link to the her page no sources that will take people to a link or site.

Scales and Armor talk 5:46 Jul 3 2021

You said that you would be happy to review my edits fair warning it's probably going to be messy and sloppy you will probably have to clean up a few things or fix a few things in Oola's personality and traits. I'll probably need advice on how to work her personality when you check it out

Scales Armor talk 5:56 Jul 3 2021

I did a little test work on writing a little bit of her personality. Just a test it's not good and it's only a little bit to see what you think first check out before someone probably deletes it for not having sources yet.

Scales and Armor talk 6:17 Jul 3 2021

If you had a chance to read another look at what I write. Give advice you have and point out the improvements needed. Ready for the feedback. Hello are you still there?

Sorry for my sloppiness by the way nice clean up job on her personality nice editing. I'm still waiting to see what you want to point out to me?

Scales and Armor talk 6:49 July 3 2021

Thanks for telling me and giving advice. Some of the other people on here just stopped talking me so I had no one to point what I needed with the edits I so thank you. Scales and Armor talk 12:21 July 8 2021

Sure we can go ahead and tackle the citations of course. I also found a part in a page Tales of Jabba's Palace I found apart mentioning. That Oola believe, trusted and followed Bib Fortuna because he was temptation yes in Oola's own words of her thoughts she describes Fortuna as temptation. That was one of the reasons she agreed with his deal that he made because she was drawn to the temptation.

In the fact files it says somewhere I forget where but when Oola listen to Bib Fortuna she things of Jabba's Palace as a fairy tale it literally says fairy tale. But the reality of his Jabba's Palace was nothing like the stories she was told and nothing like the fairy tale image she pictured in her head.

How strong was Bib Fortuna's manipulation over Oola how desperate was she to find a better life off of Ryloth since Femi Taylor says in a interview that's why Oola went to work for Jabba to have a better life. Femi Taylor says that's how Jabba was able to take advantage of Oola.

How tempting was Bib Fortuna in order for Oola to be drawn to that temptation? What kind of stories did he tell her about Jabba in order for them to be describe as mouth watering when Oola listened to the stories?

Somewhere in a book says that Oola gave up her friends and family along with her freedom and she was ok with that. It says that those were small prices to pay and give up for the life that Bib Fortuna promised her. My question why though?

I do also remember something about Oola following traditions just like her father she had strong quaint dignity and faith along her father and the rest of her clan. It also mentions that the court dancer who trained Oola looked dismissed her because of her clan's faith and primative ways. "Expediency was deadly god to serve" that is one of my favorite lines in Oola's story Oola her clan and her father were not going to give into something like that. But is mentioned that the other Twi'leks have come to accept it.

Scales and Armor talk 10:37 July 8 2021

For all your hard work!

The Jensaarai Mentor Award is given to Immi Thrax by Supreme Emperor for providing Wookieepedia with greater knowledge in overlooked areas, ranging from gender, LGBTQ+ awareness, and every fantastic thing you've done in between!

The Jensaarai Mentor Award is given to Immi Thrax by Supreme Emperor for providing Wookieepedia with greater knowledge in overlooked areas, ranging from gender, LGBTQ+ awareness, and every fantastic thing you've done in between!

Supreme Emperor 01:57, 9 July 2021 (UTC)

Syl and Jordanna

I'm going to be away for a few days, so edit to your heart's content. And mind the cat. ;P SilverSunbird (talk) 06:55, 27 July 2021 (UTC)

Fritzle Fries

Meiloorun Juice


Punch it!


I committed tax fraud

Cavaellin Spice Creams

Glowblue noodles

Zaffa oil

Food that explodes is food well served

Stuffed puffer pig

Oga's Obsession

Christophsian sugar

Huttese slime pod

Moogan Spice Syrup

Overpopulated "disabilities" category

I noticed you created a new category for handicapped characters. There is, however, one glaring flaw I wanted to bring up with you (I already brought it up on the talk page but I don't think you've seen that): I think you've set this category up to be overpopulated, specifically because your standards on cyborgs which qualify for the category are too broad.

The thing is that Star Wars cybernetics can actually completely cure physical handicaps, and possibly even supersede the abilities of the new limb, something that real-life technology has not yet reached the capacity to do. As a result, characters like Luke Skywalker and Grievous don't really fit in this category: Luke's experience after losing his hand wasn't exactly like that of a real-life amputee, and I don't think anyone would consider him to suffer a physical handicap even after Cloud City.

I explained this on the category talk page, but I think that the standards on which cyborgs qualify should be narrowed to only those whose cybernetics have been explicitly stated to restrict them (e.g. Darth Vader, Skelly) or people who only received compensatory cybernetics after a while spent without them. People like Luke and Grievous who got cybernetics quickly (don't forget that in canon, the only info we have on Grievous is that he "chose" his cybernetics!) should not be in this category, since they spent pretty much no time at all with a handicap.

(Yes, Echo would still be in this category, since he's spent at least six months without a right hand.) SilverSunbird (talk) 00:02, 15 September 2021 (UTC)



Fuzzy Tauntaun

Jey Parks

Yobshrimp Noodle Salad

Felucian Garden Spread

Moogan Tea

Wookiee flu

Layout Guidelines

Hello! I noticed you reverted one of my edits on an artist page, siting an infringement of layout guidelines. I edited that page to look more in line with another authors page I thought had a better layout, and chose to edit this artists page in question to match. Would you be so kind as to point out what guideline I broke, so I know what I did wrong, and how to do better in the future?

Fizzy Photons!

Rodian Splice

Port in a Storm


random question re: real world appearances

I figure you might probably know - in the vast "appearances" sections that entries have, is there a proper way to list real-world people, organizations, etc. that are mentioned in works like magazine articles? (Someone made an entry of my Crime and Punishment article for SW Insider), and while they listed a megaton of in-universe appearances, I make some sidebar notes about actors, films, etc. and wondered if there was a proper way to list these. Jawajames (talk) 22:08, 18 March 2022 (UTC)

Robin Pronovost

Meiloorun juice

Glowblue noodles


I don't have the ability to go back to editing full time yet, but I saw the announcement on Instagram and I wanted to congratulate you on becoming an Administrator! I'm happy to have worked with you! ImpacticForce 01:29, 17 October 2022 (UTC)

  • I, likewise, have fallen well by the wayside on my editing activity, but want to congratulate you on your well-earned Administrator promotion. Your work to make the Wook a better place has not gone unnoticed, and I'm glad you now have both the tools and the community-granted clout to further that work. jSarek (talk) 03:15, 30 October 2022 (UTC)

Bantha butter

Starlog / Star Tours articles

I see your point that those Starlog articles are not official sources, but is the "Possible first appearance" tag not allowed? I have seen it on a number of articles around the site. --JMM (talk) 16:34, 10 December 2022 (UTC)

RE:Signature policy.

Hello there, Immi Thrax! I admit I'm unsure about this since I have used this signature for years, but if it needs to be altered, I suppose I have to respect the policy. However, I will argue that I do wish to keep CJSFan somewhere in it as per my original identity, but I did minimize the "C" and "S" so they're not as noticeable as "J Fan" in the signatures. Other than that, I removed <big>, and the "Arkham City" link. Please let me know if there is anything further to be done or spoken about and thank you for the heads up! -- CJSFan 17:28, 20 December 2022 (UTC)

Wookieepedia SAN Awards 2022

Imperators II 13:43, 27 January 2023 (UTC)

General query

Hello Immi Thrax. With regards to vandalism and disruptive edits on this wiki, on what grounds can edit summaries and revisions be deleted from public view? I am not questioning this, but it's just that on another wiki I edit, I requested Fandom to remove offensive revisions from articles, but they bluntly refused and even denied an admin the power to do so, claiming that such revisions (despite being inflammatory) were useful to view.

Kind regards. RedWizard98 (talk) 10:01, 4 February 2023 (UTC)

Madelin Sun

You removed my quick deletion templating saying i should see Talk:The Archivist but there is nothing to see there, just an old discussion abut the naming of the page, but that is outdated. See Crimson reign #5, her name is still Madelin Sun, and per naming convention her article should be named like that. CharlotteSmoothie (talk) 01:45, 10 February 2023 (UTC)

Hey, i wanted to post this in senate hall, but i misclicked,and posted it in Consensus Track before, could you please delete the page in consensus track, i didn't want to poat it there, i'm sorry i'm not used to these forums, i usually edit in more classical wikis CharlotteSmoothie (talk) 04:02, 10 February 2023 (UTC)

I want to be a wookiee

Hello I am Lunar Elbow, which is a quirky name but I am quirky! You are free to call me Lunar (they/them). I like what you have done to influence this wiki and I have seen from afar the change you have inspired. I hope to become an editor someday, but I do not trust that all the toxicity has been wiped away quite yet. I would like to try tho! Just looking for a safe way to start editing haha! Have a fun day!

Dancing-girl costume



Ahsoka Tano should be in the LGBTQ+ individuals category. Ahsoka (novel) pretty heavily implies that she's bisexual. Bentonfill () 02:19, 25 March 2023 (UTC)


You have been blocked from contributing for disruption per WP:Point. To contest this block, please contact the blocking administrator with the reason you believe the block is unjustified. Supreme Emperor 10:12, 5 May 2023 (UTC)
