Talk: LethalReflex

Welcome to my talk page. Please feel free to leave me a message, and you're welcome to join any discussions here! LethalReflex



I'm first on your new talk page!!! YAY!

Your Mando'a is in:

  • lethal: kyramla

Mh’i te’jant verd’e te Mando’ade! T’aden a’deb teh Manda’yaim! We are the great warriors of the Mandalorians! The merciless wrath from Mandalore(planet)! Commando38 20px

Cool username!

Hey, like the new username...but I thought you wanted something Mando?

And I just took another look at Sigma Squad's page, and may I say kandosii!

Tracynsenaar 18:22, 1 September 2007 (UTC)


Yeah I'll transfer it and I read on Tracynsenaar's page that you don't like asking me to transfer a lot of Mando'a for you. I just wanted to tell you I love to do it first of all because I like to help people out, secondly I love the language and thirdly you're a friend. :D

I do a lot of it for FC25 so don't feel guilty asking me to do a lot. I sorta think of it as a hobby.

Here's your username:

  • kyram'gohar

It means lethal instant action which of course we know instant action means reflex. Again need anything always give me a call. I can handle it, big or small! Akaanir'mav ra ramaan'muu! Fight well or die hard! Commando38 20px


  • LethalReflex, I frankly have no idea what you are talking about: There is a of stuff to do around Wookieepedia. It all depends on your interest and skill sets. If you are good at small edits like spelling and grammar fixes, try Forum:The Great Typo Hunt. If you are good at images, there are several projects aimed at having sourced images and high quality images. One particular area of note is that a lot of our book and short story articles do not have plot summaries, if you are interested in writing. Of course, what I consider the ultimate and penultimate in contributing to Wookieepedia's articles is the Good article and Featured Article processes, though these are rather stringent and require skills in areas, especially the writing area, in order to pull off a successful Good or Featured Article. Additionally, you may find a WookieeProject of interest- I personally maintain WP:NEGTC. Hope that helps, though you can always check Wookieepedia: Things to do for more ideas. Cheers. Atarumaster8820px 03:31, 4 September 2007 (UTC)


Hello, Yes I do make the odd image for people from time to time. Joker1138 25px 10:46, 6 September 2007 (UTC)


Hey LethalReflex. Making a page such as the one you asked (User:LethalReflex/Scratchpad) is simply a subpage. Many users use them so that they can try different things such as coding, large edits, etc. Cheers, Greyman 21:08, 6 September 2007 (UTC)

  • For questions regarding subpages, most of the rules can be found on this page → Wookieepedia:User page and profile policy. Also, no personal attacks against anyone on subpages, if you have fanon on your userpage you cannot have it on a subpage - it's either one or the other. Any specific questions, that link above should answer them. Don't hesitate to look at other user's subpages either, as that will give you a hint at what is allowed. Cheers, Greyman 22:18, 6 September 2007 (UTC)


Here's your Mando'a translation...

  • Don't mess with Mandalorians!

As I've said I don't mind doing any translations. Burc’ya vaal burk’yc, burc’ya veman. A freind during danger is a true freind. Commando38 20px


The names for the main Dala Squad are in! Yes, FC finally got them through! Here they are:

  • Squad- Chaabar Squad
  • Commanding Officer- Alori Alpha CC-35
  • Second Commanding Officer- Mirda Alpha C-43
  • Un-Commanding Officer- Iisa Alpha C-61
  • Un-Commanding Officer- Kyra Alpha C-10

This is the squad that can be picked at the main screen of the game along with either choosing Delta Squad. I'll let you know a little later on why they are Alpha CC and Alpha C. Sh'taap ni'at te'anu ba'alori be'ner aloi! Just point me at the enemy and stay out of my way! Commando38 20px

Re: Republic Commando

replying to your message i did enjoy the Republic Commando novels mainly because of the mandolorian refrences (as i am a huge fan) throughout the novels. The only thing that i didn't like was because i live in Australia the realise dates were scewiff with the second book coming out before the first was realised (i must have had it preordered for about a year). --Dark Lord Xander 06:35, 7 September 2007 (UTC)

  • i would have to say that mandalorians are my favourite non force using group in the star wars universe and i hope to see more of them ( maybe in the new legacy comics ?) hope you will be able to find the republic commando books there pretty good although i never played the game and finally i would love to have conversations about Mandalorians, Clone Commandos and the like so when ever you want to talk about something just fire off a message to my talk page and like the conversations begin -- 06:53, 9 September 2007 (UTC)

Clone Troopers

Yes i like clone troopers! There so cool along with most other soldiers in the star wars universe. Cipher RC1168

They're okay, but I prefer TIE pilots. Shock Wave 08:10, 8 September 2007 (UTC)

Darth Bane

And??? Don't just tell me you read it! What did you think? Did you like it?

Ke nujurkadir sha Mando'ade! Don't mess with Mandalorians! Tracynsenaar 22:58, 8 September 2007 (UTC)

It comes out the 26th of December. Loooong time to wait. Tracynsenaar 00:38, 9 September 2007 (UTC)

Yeah, it'll be awhile. But to pass the time I'm watching every Star Wars parody I can find. I just finished watching Star Wars vs. Star Trek. Tracynsenaar 00:53, 9 September 2007 (UTC)

Just finished Troops. Hilarious! Tracynsenaar 01:09, 9 September 2007 (UTC) p.s. signing off. goodnight.


Ditto. Star Trek vs. Star Wars was funny, but Troops was definitely funnier. All suspects are guilty. Period. Otherwise they wouldn't be suspects. lol!

Although, my all time favorites are the Pink Five films. I've watched them so much I can mouth the words. (Yes I have better things to do, but that's not the point.)

The Star Wars vs. Star Trek vs. Babylon 5 film was just boring. There were just clips from the movies/tv shows, but no dialogue. Heehee, Palpatine talking to Sheridan. That would've been hilarious.

Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up. Tracynsenaar 16:34, 9 September 2007 (UTC)

  • Don't even bother. It was so boring. Not funny at all. Tracynsenaar 18:35, 9 September 2007 (UTC)


How did you archive your talk page? Mine's getting irritatingly long, and I really want to shorten it. Vor'e. Tracynsenaar 18:37, 9 September 2007 (UTC)

  • Thanks. My talk page has been successfully archived. Tracynsenaar 00:36, 10 September 2007 (UTC)


Yeah, Clone troopers are awesome, and same as Order 66. I'll give votes to your polls.

RE: Mandalorians

I to would have to say that Boba Fett was my favourite mandalorian but only because he is the only one whos background has been expanded in such detail. hopefully as the Universe Expands and Mandalorians become more popular and appear in more sources others will have there background expanded apon. Another character i would like to Know more about is Fenn Shysa especially about this "Shysa died on Shogun, protecting Boba Fett from an unknown threat." hopefully Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor will shed some light on the character and maybe a novel about or involving what happened on Shogun would be Awsome. --Dark Lord Xander 06:39, 11 September 2007 (UTC)

  • I'm not sure if Boba Fett's my favorite or not. As a five-year-old watching Episodes V and VI for the first time, I thought he was cool. Jango's awesome, but still, I like Boba. It's probably because he was the first Mando I ever saw. Tracynsenaar 16:28, 11 September 2007 (UTC)

Rav Bralor

If you go to the page for True Colors, the very first person on the appearances list is Rav Bralor, a Mando chick who was one of the seventy-five Mandalorians part of the Cuy'val Dar who trained the clones. Personally, I think it's cool that we'll get to meet a female Mando (not counting Mirta Gev or that vet lady in the Legacy series). Tracynsenaar 16:33, 11 September 2007 (UTC)

Re: Battle Star Galactica vs. Star Trek vs. Star Wars vs. Babylon 5

(or whatever order the title's in) Yeah, the animation is really cool, but there's no plot. No sides taken, no dialogue, nothing but a mess of ships trying to blow one another up (wait a minute...that's freakin' awesome!). I was wanting something humorous at the time, and it didn't exactly fit that discription... Apart from that it's cool. Tracynsenaar 16:39, 11 September 2007 (UTC)


Yep I love anything that has to do with the Mando'ade. Trying to learn Mando'a in my very limited free time. --ToRsO bOy 19:12, 12 September 2007 (UTC)


  • Hey, in response to your message to Greyman, your vote was removed per this decision, which makes votes from any users with under 50 mainspace (actual article) edits invalid. Including edits from your previous account, you have less then fifty mainspace edits. The reason your vote was stricken was clearly marked beside it. -- 40px 19:34, 12 September 2007 (UTC)


Got some more Mando'a translated! :BIG SMILE:

I think these sayings are some of the best I've thought of and the best I've translated... so far. Enjoy!!!

  • Ni’gana ne’trattok, Ni’na pakod’drashaar te’ruusaan.

I have not fallen, I am simply recovering from betrayel.

  • Haat’waad adat’gar solus’me ad’viinir lo’val jur’shi tio’val gann’si ut’reeyah.

A truly rich man is one whose children run into his arms even when his hands are empty.

  • Tio’gar gan’kotir chaabar riduurok gar’mir gar’gana koti’kyra.

When you have conquered fear of love, you know that you have conquered death.

If you need anything tanslated or forgot some of the older ones I've translated don't feel shy to ask! Commando38 20px


Hi there Lethal Reflex after the discution that we have been having with you me and Tracynsenaar have been having i was finally inspired to start my Mando sub page working through every mando and their apperances and maybe write a small article on each faction (or copy it if im lazy :) ). i hope to in the near future set up a section for a Mando'a Dictionary and was wondering if i could have your imput on this if there are any frazes or words that you've come across that may not be well known or easily avalable could you post them on my talk page thanks mate. --Dark Lord Xander 07:36, 14 September 2007 (UTC)


FC25 just informed me that FotR is being made into a book series and a movie saga!!! :BIG SMILE:

Both the books and the movies are going to be called Star Wars: For The Republic which start at Meriha becoming the female clone template until the fall of the Empire. And while FC helps in the creation of the movies I get to write the books!!!! :ANOTHER BIG SMILE:

But, Tal'din will have to wait on being anounced until afterwards so <sigh> but anyway! Thought I'd let you know!!! Commando38 20px


You now have 52, so you are eligible to vote. :) For future reference, Special:Editcount gives you the editing information of any and every user on the site, including yourself. Thanks, -- 40pxdmirableAckbar 22:16, 14 September 2007 (UTC)

  • Yep, you're all set. Just un-struck your votes. Sorry for the inconvenience. Enochf 23:50, 14 September 2007 (UTC)


Thanks for these i'll be sure to list you in the Users who helped contribute becuase with out the other users contributing what they know then it would turn out to be a pretty bland reference section. thanks again --Dark Lord Xander 23:39, 14 September 2007 (UTC)

Re: Quote template help

Hey, we currently don't have a template created to handle as many lines as you are requesting. The current dialogue templates allow for 4 lines of text + 1 line for attribution + 1 line for the source. The reason that this was done was that quotes longer than that generally clutter up articles and take away from the actual content of the article.

That being said, there are a couple of things you could try -- simply cutting out the first line:

Or you could try our standard quote template with <br> inserted where necessary:

Anyways, I hope that answers your question. Cheers, Greyman 04:14, 15 September 2007 (UTC)

Re: Fav Commando

I would have to say that i don't have a fav commando but rather three that i like Boss, Scorch and Sev would have to be my faves and of them probably Boss or Sev would be my Faves although i cannot decide. how about you ?

  • P.S because of your contributions to helping me i have added your name to my subpage under the collum of people who have helped make the page if you do not want your name on the page please contact me if it is ok or not and i will remove it if you don't want it on there. i just through it would be nice to recognise the people who have helped me cheers -- 23:16, 15 September 2007 (UTC)


Got some quotes from FC from RCII. They have to do with Sev since she knew ya'll would like them. :D

  • This is one of the many funny areas of the game. At the time of rescuing Sev from the DAS The General.(Note:This is in movie form)

{{quote|-Scroch-(hugging Sev and begins to cry)"Yes! Delta Squad is a aliit again! -Sev-(embraces Scorch)"I'm glad you guys came back..."(looks toward Boss) -Boss-"Well like Scorch said... we're an aliit and no one gets left behind. Good to see you again Sev. We missed you. -Sev-{begins to cry)"I missed you guys too." -Scorch-(release Sev and looks at him, head cocked to the side)"Uh, Boss... I think Sev's been brain washed." -Fixer-(takes hand and slaps Sev on the back of the helmet) -Sev-(makes desperate attempt to hit Fixer)"Let me go, Scorch! After you'll thought I was dead; you come, rescue me and all he can do is slap me in the head! I'm going to kill him! -Fixer-(snickers)"Nope... he's fine"(backs away so Sev's swinging arms can't reach him) -Boss-"Everyone k'uur!" -Sev-(struggle to hit Fixer immediatly stops)"Boss... speaking Mando'a?" -Boss-(sighs)"Do you think you can make it off the ship, Sev?" -Sev-(escapes Scorch's grasp)"Give me a sniper rifle, some bacta and I'm ready... like I've been for the past few months." -Boss-(points towards the cell door)"Let's move it out then, Deltas!" -Sev-(grabs sniper rifle from Fixer)"Let the pro handle this.(Loads rifle)"Boss?" -Boss-(turns around)"Yeah?" -Sev-(smiles)"I've got some personal business to take care of..." -Boss-(grins)"All right, Delta Squad! Follow 07! Move out!" -Scorch-"I wonder if Boss will start getting ordery again now that Sev's back?" -Fixer-(sighs)"You said that out loud, Scroch." -Sev-(shakes head)"Typical" -Boss-"Deltas, are you forgetting something!?" -All-(look at Boss)"What?" -Boss-"If we don't get out of here before the Virtuous receives her second orders we're all dead!" -Scorch-"Yay! Boss is yelling again... oh wait. He does that all the time." -Boss-"Scorch... Deltas!" -Scorch-"Oh... right!" -Boss-(motions hand forward)"Delta Squad... move out!|Star Wars: Republic Commando II- Fall of the Republic. Planetary Level- DAS The General. Main Level- Prison Break. Sub-level- Commandos Reunite.}}

  • Also have more quotes by Boss, Fixer, Scorch and Sev. Will have some more later!!! Commando3820px


If you see Trayc's page I kinda explain some stuff.(It's getting late where I am so...). But yeah, him crying was why they thought he was brainwashed. As you can tell Fixer proved them wrong... so funny. LOL. Commando38 20px

Mando'a Subpage

Of course you can put a link to your user page the more people that use it the better. thats what its there for if you have any imput or things you think would be cool please Surjest it on my talk page as i am open to anything --Dark Lord Xander 06:19, 17 September 2007 (UTC)


I did it again! New Mando'a quotes. Hope you like them:

  • Gar’sura troc’ga haate.

Your focus determines your reality.(I must say not one of my best...)

  • E’vaar jag coopaanir ba’kyra orijat’be e’jorbe, vaal’e ruugl’ja versopaanir ba’oyacyi pel’be solus.

An immature man wants to die nobly for a cause, while a mature man wishes to live humbly for one.

Again... hope you enjoy them! Commando38 20px

Userbox/SW Games

your welcome to copy the wookiee jedi box from my user page and with the star wars games Wiki i prefer to keep all my edits in the one place and i can edit pretty much what i want here

P.S can you please label different topics as sometimes i schim read things and miss it cheers mate --Dark Lord Xander 06:54, 18 September 2007 (UTC)

  • No problem it just a prefference that i have to save time -- 06:17, 19 September 2007 (UTC)


Got a quote by Kyra and Iisa before an insert. Here we can see their personalities are a lot like Sev and Scorch's.

I also have a quote by Alori. I can't tell is she sounds like Boss or not...

Alpha C-43-much like Fixer- is quite quiet except when she's around her squad:

As you can tell Mirda is a little looser than Fixer, but during the game she still has a lot of sterness. Also notice how Kyra and Iisa call Alori boss and not Alori... but yet Mirda calls her Alori.


Hi. Sorry for not being around lately. All my free time that I usually spend haunting Wookieepedia has been spent playing KotOR, as a friend got it up and running on my computer. Guess the tech guy who told me I had the wrong type of computer was a di'kut 'cause it took my friend about thirty seconds to fix the glitch. So, I'm off to Dantooine.

Also, when I'm done with KotOR, I hope to contribute to SWGaming wiki, as there's more to do there! Tracynsenaar 23:25, 20 September 2007 (UTC)

  • It's been a ton of fun...well, um, after I turned on god mode. Some of those stupid creatures refuse to die. I just got to Tatooine, and picked up HK-47. Tracynsenaar 01:31, 23 September 2007 (UTC)

re: Carth

Yep. Do you know who does Sev's voice? Tracynsenaar 15:14, 24 September 2007 (UTC)

  • Never mind, I found the dude. Sadly, there was no picture. I wonder what he looks like... Tracynsenaar 23:54, 27 September 2007 (UTC)


Oh, hey, I haven't been on lately, sorry. Do you know anything about the ne w Republic Commando book, seems pretty good. Thanks RC-1187 11:23, 25 September 2007 (UTC)


I think that's awesome! If you're old enough and have enough time, I think that you should go for it! But I'm just a crazy chick who is a SW nerd, so what do I know? : ) Tracynsenaar 20:42, 30 September 2007 (UTC)

  • I also noticed you got your sig up and running. Very cool. I've been thinking about bothering Greyman about mine not working... Tracynsenaar 20:57, 30 September 2007 (UTC)


Yep. I really liked that picture of Mara, but it wasn't Mando and it was time for it to go. I like this one a lot better.

I left 38 a blurb from my book on her talk page. Tell me what you think! (Please be nice) Tracynsenaar 00:30, 3 October 2007 (UTC)


Hi there Lethal Reflex i haven't heard from you in a while anyways just droped by to say love your new polls (i voted for Sniper and Bounty Hunter) See you Around. --Dark Lord Xander 06:41, 4 October 2007 (UTC)


Aww, thanks. Actually, one of my friends read a part of it and she said it sounded a lot like the story of the Mistryl Shadow Guards. After I read about them I was kind of annoyed. Here's this great idea that I thought was original, but it turns out looking like I copied. I'm going to have to do some major edits. So Daughter of Tenebrae needs a lot of work yet. Tracynsenaar 18:07, 6 October 2007 (UTC)

  • I know what you mean about getting bored fast. I have a couple manuscripts that I haven't touched in months. Other times if I've had enough time, ideas, and motivation (friends critiquing, dreams of lots of money), I can finish the first rough draft in a few months. Tracynsenaar 18:29, 6 October 2007 (UTC)


It's okay if you read a book and it inspires you. I've had that I lot. But it really stinks when you find out your idea isn't original. As for motivation I have one word for you: money. You probably don't get much for your first book, but once you become an established author, fans can be fiercely loyal. And what about seeing your work in print? That has always been my main drive. My name across the cover of a book. So whenever I'm not into it, that's what I use to motivate myself. Tracynsenaar 18:51, 6 October 2007 (UTC)

Re: Star Wars Fanon

Hi there Lethal Reflex i enjoyed reading your fanon article i two have a Star Wars fanon Story over at the fanon wiki but am still writing it and haven't yet broken it down into characters, battles & locations ect so it is still just on my user page anyway if you want to check it out search User:Dark Lord Xander and you should find my page --Dark Lord Xander 00:08, 7 October 2007 (UTC)

  • Loved the fanon! The only thing is that I think Tatooine for a homeworld is overused. Tracynsenaar 20:50, 11 October 2007 (UTC)

Again, loved it as always.


This a quote from Kandosii Squad, who is in FTR. Hope you like it:

Trac said she could imagine Sev and Scorch doing something like this and actually I could too! :D

Commando38 20px

Ways to contribute

See User talk:LethalReflex#Re:. That guy asked the same question, and we answered him. Another good way to contribute is to get a newly released source, and add all the new information. Whenever a novel comes out, there's a ton of new information that needs to be added (As you can see by all the redlinks here.) Usually, it takes some time for that to happen, and the results can be kind of hasty. The same is true of comics and games. It's a great way to find a lot of new stuff to add, but of course you need to actually get the new stuff. Also, you can patrol Special:Recentchanges to make sure all of the new edits are in good faith. You can also go there to see what kinds of things other people are doing. -LtNOWIS 01:50, 21 October 2007 (UTC)

  • Wait a second... my bad. I saw that my talk page had been updated, and scrolled to the end, only to find your old message from September. I thought it was your message was new, when in reality an anonymous user had just edited the middle of my page. I feel really dumb now; I guess you should disregard this. -LtNOWIS 01:56, 21 October 2007 (UTC)

re: comment

Well, I'm more of a fan of troopers of the Empire and Republic (Stormtroopers, ARC Troopers, etc.), not just clonetroopers. 'Alpha85 20px 04:17, 27 October 2007 (UTC)

MEC Trooper

Just for future reference, articles are written in-universe in the past tense. Your most recent creation, MEC Trooper, was in present tense and was OOU. Also, I don't think we generally link to other wikis as you did, though I'm not sure. Anyway, try and bear that in mind. Thanks, -- AdmirableAckbar 18:22, 29 October 2007 (UTC)

Republic Commando IV

Kandosii. When I last looked, the title hadn't been released.

I just got True Colors today and I just finished chapter four. Have you gotten your copy yet? Tracynsenaar 00:56, 2 November 2007 (UTC)

  • Hypori sounds much better. Tracynsenaar 00:57, 2 November 2007 (UTC)


Hi there. I was wondering, since you have now, is there any reason to keep ? -- Ozzel 08:17, 11 November 2007 (UTC)


While looking up some Mandalorian Culture I came upon this one article that caught my attention. So, I've come to share it with you, my good Mandalorian buddies, because it is so funny and I know you'll appreciate it. When I first read it I couldn't believe it! I laughed for 5 minutes. :D Here is the article. Commando38 20px


I've heard the joke in some sort of another fashion... Got your translation, it's Prud'acinya.

Oh, FC wanted me to tell you she's got the A-ATC article up. It's not finished and has a lot of red links but she wanted you to see the main part. We're cureently working on their armor. If you want, I'll tell you want their names mean in Mando'a. :D You can see it here: Alpha-class Advnaced Tactic Commandos Commando38 20px

  • Trac told me that her link didn't work so I came here and fixed yours. Try the link now and see if you can pull the apge up. :D Commando3820px

RC 2413

yes, Its a good game. Yes, i like the Commando's, more specifically the Mandalorians. No, i don't want to be your friend, and if you had seen my page that hadn't been reverted to its older version by some di'kut, you would know I have abandoned this pedia since i cnat do that much for it. Read the fixed user page. RC 2413 01:20, 5 December 2007 (UTC)


WOW, you never told me you knew Mando'a. Or mabey you did and I forgot, I forget alot unfortunetly. 18:52, 9 December 2007 (UTC)

Sev pic

I don't remember where I got it...

Did you finish True Colors? Now we all get to wait months until Order 66 comes out. I hate waiting. Tracynsenaar 00:47, 15 December 2007 (UTC)

  • Did you see it there? It probably was from there... Tracynsenaar 01:39, 17 December 2007 (UTC)
  • Yes, it was from there. I've sourced it, so hopefully it won't go anywhere. Tracynsenaar 01:49, 17 December 2007 (UTC)

Idea for attracting users for SWGames

To attract more users we could ask people who have the "this user is a Star Wars Gamer" userbox on their userpage if they would be interested in editing for SWGames. Cactuar83 20px 03:02, 19 December 2007 (UTC)

A couple questions...

Hey,I was wondering,HOW did you get all of those userboxes?I can't find 'em anywhere else.

RC-1136 "Darman",Omega Squad.

I am a fan of Star Wars Republic Commando,and when is the 4th star wars Republic Commando book coming out?

And the final question-How do you create your own signature? RC1136"Darman" 18:00, 12 October 2008 (UTC)
