The Utapauan Security Force (USF) was Utapau's standing military.
The Utapau military was the only organization on the planet which all the city-states cooperated on. It was responsible for training and fielding military units for the defense of the planet, including the resident warships and Skyforce. In addition to high-tech transportation, some warriors were trained to ride dactillions and varactyls, and were armed with a vibro-blade and shield.
When the Confederacy invaded the planet, the homemade USF Dreadnaught-class heavy cruisers were all destroyed and the Utapau Skyforce went into hiding in Utapau's natural caverns or in deep space. During the Battle of Utapau, the security force, led by Senin Vant, resurfaced and flew P-38 starfighters and dactillions against the Techno Union Mankvim-814 light interceptors. After the battle, the occupation of Utapau continued under the Galactic Empire, while the remainder of Utapau's military assets was destroyed.
- Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Incredible Cross-Sections
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
- The Official Star Wars Fact FilePart 17
- The Official Star Wars Fact FilePart 39