Vobbara Yusinduu, also known as Yusinduu the Hutt, was a Hutt crime lord on Nal Hutta during the era of the third Galactic War.
During the third Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the resurgent Sith Empire, Vobbara Yusinduu settled in the Minboosa District on Nal Hutta and distinguished himself from other Hutt Cartel members. Yusinduu focused his efforts on developing and managing a highly profitable tibanna gas refinery in the Minboosa District.
At some point, the Hidden Chain, an organization created by Heta Kol, raided the Minboosa District to take captives. As a result, Yusinduu ordered a lockdown to the whole district that prevented anyone from fleeing the district. The raiders fought against Yusinduu's when Yusinduu ordered a lockdown.
Vobbara Yusinduu first appeared in the 2024 Game Update 7.5 of Star Wars: The Old Republic: Legacy of the Sith, the eighth digital expansion to the massively multiplayer online role-playing game Star Wars: The Old Republic.