Following the Battle of Endor of 4 ABY, the planet came under siege. During the battle, Commander Titus Klev of the Galactic Empire accidentally discovered and stopped an important agent of the Rebel Alliance, who was attempting to sabotage Wann Tsir's deflector shield. Klev's deeds subsequently earned him commendations from the Imperial High Command.
Wann Tsir was introduced via mention of the Siege of Wann Tsir in the 1993 Dark Empire Sourcebook, which was authored by Michael Allen Horne and published by West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. It was not until the 1998 Star Wars Encyclopedia by Stephen J. Sansweet was published that it was identified as a distinct astronomical object. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Wann Tsir system, and therefore Wann Tsir itself, in grid square P-13.
Wann Tsir was introduced via mention of the Siege of Wann Tsir in the 1993 Dark Empire Sourcebook, which was authored by Michael Allen Horne and published by West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. It was not until the 1998 Star Wars Encyclopedia by Stephen J. Sansweet was published that it was identified as a distinct astronomical object. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Wann Tsir system, and therefore Wann Tsir itself, in grid square P-13.
- Dark Empire Sourcebook
- Star Wars Encyclopedia
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
- The Essential Atlas