
A'kazz, a Schenor species member, was male. He was the only one to survive a mercenary attack, supported by the Imperial forces, that targeted a Schenor research station. Alliance operatives, following the request of Commander Luke Skywalker, brought A'kazz back to the Schenor homeworld known as Rhamsis Callo.


Residing on a research station with his parents and a number of other colonists, A'kazz was a young male Schenor. During the time of the Galactic Civil War, a group of mercenaries working for the Galactic Empire launched an attack on the station. The station dispatched a distress call, which prompted Alliance High Command to authorize an investigative mission. Upon their arrival, they discovered the mercenaries engaged in combat with the Schenor, and they joined the fight until an Imperial gunboat forced the Alliance operatives to retreat and extracted the mercenaries. The Alliance force examined the site and discovered almost complete destruction and only one survivor: A'kazz. He was rendered speechless from witnessing the deaths of his parents and everyone else. The Alliance operatives transported him to an Alliance base, where Commander Luke Skywalker questioned him privately. Skywalker concluded that if A'kazz returned to the Schenor homeworld of Rhamsis Callo, his testimony to his nest-guild could sway the Schenor to abandon their neutral stance in the Galactic Civil War and support the Alliance. The operatives who rescued A'kazz were then instructed to escort him to Rhamsis Callo.

After landing at Chafflock on Rhamsis Callo, the operatives transported A'Kazz to his nest-guildmaster, B'karitz, via reaction car, encountering several attempts by the Empire to intercept them, which included vehicle pursuits and ambushes at their overnight accommodations. Initially, B'karitz suspected the Alliance team of hostility and believed they were holding A'kazz for ransom. However, once he was convinced of their good intentions, he used a telepathic trance to interrogate A'kazz and learned the truth about the Empire's involvement in the attack on the research station. Based on A'kazz's testimony, B'kartiz led his nest-warriors to an Imperial base that was under construction, under the guise of a treaty between the Empire and the Schenor government. As a powerful noble from an influential province, B'kartiz declared the treaty invalid and ordered the Empire to leave Rhamsis Callo.

Personality and traits

A'kazz, a young Schenor, was traumatized into silence after witnessing the mass murder of the entire Schenor colony, including his parents, at the research station where he lived. He developed a bond with one of the Alliance operatives who saved him, who happened to be the most cynical and unsentimental of the group. He would gaze at the operative with his large yellow eyes.

