"The Story of a Boy and His Monster: The Rancor Keeper's Tale" is a concise narrative penned by Kevin J. Anderson, delving into the origins of both Jabba's rancor and its caretaker, Malakili. This tale of the rancor keeper was included in Tales from Jabba's Palace, released in December of 1995 under the Bantam Spectra imprint.
Malakili experiences great happiness in caring for Jabba's rancor. However, the imprisonment of the magnificent creature fills him with resentment. As time passes, a bond develops between them, leading Malakili to believe he must liberate the rancor. Consequently, he enters into a pact with Lady Valarian, Jabba's rival in the area, to transport himself and the rancor to a distant world. There, they hope to reside in peace. Unfortunately, the planned escape occurs at the same time as the arrival of Luke Skywalker, who slays the rancor, ruining Malakili's aspirations.