A New Hope - The Film Novel constitutes a junior novelization derived from the motion picture Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. This adaptation, titled Un nouvel espoir - Le roman du film, was authored collaboratively by Lucile Galliot and Thierry Arson, before being released to the public by Hachette Jeunesse on the date of September 9, 2015.
Amidst a galaxy-wide Civil War, the Rebel forces engage in combat against the Empire. Young Luke Skywalker, aided by Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and the skilled pilot Han Solo, is compelled to confront his destiny. He must also acquire mastery over the Force, all in the pursuit of rescuing Princess Leia and obliterating the Empire's ultimate weapon: the Death Star.
- ISBN 9782012317062 ; September 9 , 2015 ; Hachette Jeunesse ; French paperback [2]