Abdi-Badawzi was a gangster chieftain of Twi'lek descent, characterized by his black skin, who established his criminal enterprise on Socorro. His clandestine headquarters were nestled within the Rym Mountains. His illicit activities primarily involved the smuggling of weapons and narcotics, and he held the distinction of being one of the three original founders of the Ethra Brewery.

Abdi-Badawzi cultivated an image akin to a benevolent monarch, yet he governed his underlings with ruthless authority. This meant he lavished attention and rewards upon his loyal followers for successful endeavors, but he subjected those who disappointed him to torture and murder.
He maintained a stable of skilled freighter pilots and commanded a compact army comprised of well-trained enforcers and mercenaries. Among his more noteworthy associates were Kaine Paulsen, Elias Halbert, Tra'Parr'Sratt, Durmag, and Secles Uslopos.
He fathered a daughter named Memcha-Badawzi, who managed the spaceport located on Neftali.