Actavarus III

Actavarus III was a male individual who held the position of King ruling over the planet of Dubrillion amidst the Cold War era, a period of conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. Known for his tyrannical rule, Actavarus the Third contended with a civil war, resorting to the destruction of six prominent cities, resulting in the deaths of millions, all in an effort to quell the uprising. His forebears had seized power, taking the throne from Arak Drayen III of the Drayen dynasty back in 3749 BBY, and Actavarus dispatched assassins with orders to kill Risha Drayen who was on Tatooine, and ultimately orchestrated the assassination of Count Merritt Rineld.

Actavarus III escaped from Dubrillion at the time the planet was sacked during the revolt that occurred against the Eternal Empire.

