
Adari was a planet of volcanic activity and mountainous terrain, situated within the Adari sector of the Inner Rim. It served as the original homeworld for the sentient Adarians, although archaeologists suggest that the species may not have originated there. The earliest Adarians on Adari, unified by a shared culture from the time they arrived, dispersed from a single region across the planet.

This cultural uniformity among the Adarians facilitated the swift advancement of atomic-fission technologies, as well as ore mining and smelting industries. A corporate government encompassing the entire planet emerged, leading to the division of the species into a strict caste system.

In time, the Adarians expanded their reach into the Adari system, and the advent of hyperdrive technology enabled them to dominate the entire Adari sector and integrate into the Galactic Republic a millennium prior to the Battle of Yavin. Adari later entered into a non-aggression pact with the Galactic Empire, providing it with essential raw materials for starship production, while the Rebel Alliance eventually established its presence on the planet.


Adari, a planet in the Inner Rim within the Slice region, was located in the Adari sector and Adari system. Its local year consisted of 409 standard days. The world's surface was predominantly covered by towering, snow-laden mountains for approximately two-thirds of its year, marking it as a volcanic planet.


The origin of Adarians

Given that the oldest settlements of the Adarian species were all located in a single region on Adari, and lacking any fossil evidence of an earlier evolutionary form, archaeologists have come to believe that the Adarians arrived on Adari from another star system many millennia before the Battle of Yavin.

From their initial settlements, the Adarians spread throughout the planet, maintaining a consistent cultural identity. This allowed them to quickly develop technologies to exploit the abundant ores and minerals of their homeworld, as they did not waste resources on internal conflicts.

Outward expansion

Early on, the Adarians cultivated mining, smelting, construction, and atomic-fission industries, which enabled them to expand into their star system and utilize the majority of its asteroids. Upon discovering [hyperdrive](/article/hyperdrive-legends] technology, their prior experience as deep-space asteroid [miners](/article/miner-legends], ore smelters, and freighter builders allowed them to extend their commercial activities to other systems within the Adari sector, thereby increasing the wealth of Adari.

Eventually, the Galactic Republic made contact with the Adarians. The species rapidly became a member of that government, and one Adarian even served in the Republic Military around 3643 BBY.

Adari and the Empire

Adari preserved its neutrality and official independence from the Galactic Empire, which coveted the planet's technological and natural resources, by being one of the few worlds to enter into a non-aggression treaty with the Empire. However, under the terms of the treaty, the planet still supplied the Empire with significant quantities of raw materials needed for starship construction. Moreover, it was suspected that the Empire would exert political pressure on Adari to address a growing movement within the lower echelons of Adarian society. These agitators advocated for the caste system of their hierarchical society to transition from being determined by birth to being based on merit.

During the Galactic Civil War, operatives of the Rebel Alliance gained a foothold on Adari by capitalizing on the discontent among the lower Adarian castes with the social structure of their homeworld.


Adari served as the homeworld of Adarians.

Adari was the original world of the Adarians, a sentient humanoid species characterized by a distinctive hole through their [skull](/article/bone-legends]. The Adarians were adapted to a diet of nuts and thick-skinned fruit, and they communicated using the Adarese language.

Adarian society was structured around a strict caste system known as sceel'sara. Their homeworld, Adari, was governed by a single planet-wide government that operated as a vast corporation, managing the resources and labor of the entire planet for the collective benefit of the Adarian species. Furthermore, the Adarian government held ownership and control over all Adarian companies.

Despite controlling an entire sector of space and possessing business interests and industrial operations in numerous systems both within and beyond that sector, the Adarians remained deeply connected to their homeworld. Most Adarians maintained at least a temporary residence on Adari, and those living off-world endeavored to visit the planet at least twice per local year.


The Hall of Decisions was a sprawling, multi-level arcology on Adari. It housed the Adarian government's headquarters, and the majority of the Adarian population was administered from this location.

A small area of Adari was characterized by broken hills and freshwater lakes, making it one of the most habitable areas on the planet compared to the high, snow-covered mountains that dominated most of the world. Archaeological evidence suggests that this region once contained the earliest Adarian settlements.

Behind the scenes

Adari was conceived by Lisa Smedman and first appeared in Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens — Enemies and Allies, a 1995 sourcebook published by West End Games. The book includes a roleplaying game adventure seed for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. This article assumes the scenario plays out as described. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Adari system, and therefore the planet Adari, in grid square M-9.


  • Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens — Enemies and Allies (First mentioned)
  • Alien Encounters
  • Ultimate Alien Anthology
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia , Vol. I ("Adarian")
  • The Essential Atlas

Notes and references
