Agamar Resistance

The Agamar Resistance, active during the initial phase of the Galactic Civil War, was an Imperial opposition group operating on Agamar. B'ante Hatcher served as its leader.


The Empire leveled accusations against the inhabitants of Tondatha, a small Agamarian settlement, alleging their involvement with the resistance and collaboration with the Rebel Alliance. As a demonstration of power directed at the Agamarian populace, the Empire executed the destruction of Tondatha by means of an orbital bombardment. This act motivated survivors, including Keyan Farlander, to enlist in the Resistance.

The Resistance regularly convened in secret, engaging in discussions about their resistance to the Empire, although many doubted their capacity to defeat it. This perspective shifted several months after the Tondatha attack when Mon Mothma journeyed to Agamar with the intention of convincing the Resistance to formally integrate into the Alliance. The Rebels organized a gathering in a deserted warehouse, drawing approximately 200 dissenters. Security measures were stringent: the area was shielded, droid sentries were positioned, and the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Independence maintained orbit above the planet. Mon Mothma presented a speech, meticulously crafted by Arhul Hextrophon, designed to encourage the resistance fighters to align with the Alliance. Subsequent to the rally, Mon Mothma engaged in discussions with the Resistance's leadership, and a number of Resistance members departed Agamar to join the ranks of the Alliance Military.

