Agents of Deception, which was launched on June 24, 2009, represents the third expansion for the Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game. It boasts a collection of over 200 fresh cards, with more than 20 of them being brand-new Loot cards, which include the Corellian G9 Rigger freighter.
This expansion brings both smugglers and spies to the forefront of the game, each enriching the gameplay experience with unique mechanics. Smuggler cards introduce a novel approach to utilizing item cards, allowing players to deploy items at opportune moments and enhance existing items with added bonuses. Conversely, Spies leverage stealth tactics to penetrate enemy defenses, inflicting covert damage beyond standard combat, and are even capable of launching surprise attacks directly on the opponent's avatar.
Within this set, the story mode, conveyed through Scenarios, centers on a narrative arc involving smugglers and spies, where players find themselves working for Lando Calrissian or the formidable Imperial Security Bureau led by the enigmatic Blackhole. Players can also choose to infiltrate Jabba the Hutt's notorious crime syndicate. As the Galactic Civil War rages on between the Rebel Alliance and the Empire, the thriving and perilous smuggling trade has grown to encompass goods vital to both factions' success. A crucial shipment of ryll has disappeared en route to a Rebel medical facility. Believed to have been pilfered and transported to Smuggler's Run, a clandestine asteroid field serving as a haven for numerous smugglers, this shipment is critical to the Rebel war effort. Lando Calrissian, the newly appointed Baron of Cloud City, spearheads a Rebel team to infiltrate the Hutt cartel in an effort to locate the missing shipment. However, the Empire has its own agenda, tasking the Imperial Security Bureau, under Blackhole's command, with tracking down and securing the shipment for themselves.