Galactic Hunters, which came out on March 11, 2009, represents the second expansion for the Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game. This expansion introduces a substantial addition of over 200 cards. Among these are more than 20 new Loot cards, for example, the Merr-Sonn JT-12 jetpack which is only available through these cards.
The primary focus of this set is on bounty hunters. It brings in iconic figures like Boba Fett, IG-88, Bossk, Zuckuss, and 4-LOM. These characters are presented with enhanced keyword abilities, specifically Target, Shield, and Sentry.
The narrative component, presented through Scenarios, is centered on a quest line that revolves around bounty hunting. Darth Vader, concerned by the recent successes of Rebel espionage within the Corellian system, has grown distrustful of the Imperial Army. Determined to eliminate this Rebel activity definitively, Vader has employed the most well-known bounty hunters throughout the galaxy to capture key Rebel figures, a mission that his own Imperial forces have been unable to complete. The bounty hunters have been effective in their endeavors, causing disruption within the Rebel Alliance's leadership. To ensure the Rebellion's continued existence, it is necessary to locate and liberate the captured leaders. The Alliance then quickly reorganizes and sends a team of less-than-ideal operatives to combat the bounty hunters and free the Rebel leaders.
The Heroic Encounter in this set centers around a band of spacers attempting to defeat Exar Kun and his cult. This occurs after Professor Cornelius Wagglehorn dispatches them to investigate the fate of University of Corellia students. These students, recruited from the Corellia University research outpost on Talus, had joined the cult on Yavin 4.
- Caretaker of the Lost
- Embraced Chaos
- Exar Kun
- Exar Kun Cultist
- Exar Kun Wordbearer
- Gackle bat
- Hallway of Doom
- Kun's Insight
- Lingering Harmony
- Massassi Sword
- Minder of Weak Wills
- Mother Luresh
- Outer Chamber
- Prisoner of Exar Kun
- Promised Vengeance
- Skreeg
- Temple of Doom
- The Executioner
- Throne Room
- Tomb Flier Bat
- Unquenchable Wrath
- Vin Rith
- Walter Emanus ' Lost Journal
Below is the list of notable artists that contributed original artwork to the game's second expansion.

- Drew Baker
- Miguel Coimbra
- Jason Engle
- Mark Evans
- Derek Herring
- Tomasz Jedruszek
- Adam Gillespie
- Lucas Graciano
- Michael Komarck
- Slawomir Maniak
- Lee Moyer
- Mike Pedro
- Mark Poole
- Fred Rambaud
- James Rochelle
- Aadi Salman
- Kevin Shoemaker
- Darren Tan
- Charles Urbach
- Ben Wootten
- Kieran Yanner
The complete list of artists can be viewed here.