The Al'Har system, situated in the Mid Rim region, encompassed the planet Haruun Kal (also known as Al'Har I), followed by an asteroid belt. Al'Har served as the system's main star. Its position on the Gevarno Loop made it strategically vital during the Clone Wars, as control over Al'Har meant control over the entire loop. Furthermore, its location at the intersection of numerous hyperspace routes enabled ships traveling to nearby worlds to significantly shorten their journeys by passing through Al'Har, saving them days of travel time.
Based on information in Shatterpoint and its entries within the Databank and on the Wizards of the Coast website, Haruun Kal is presented as the system's only planetary body. Conversely, Equipment indicates the existence of at least two gas giants located beyond the asteroid field.
Considering that both literary sources were penned by the same writer, it's plausible that Shatterpoint simply implied that Haruun Kal was the only inhabited planet within the system. However, it's possible that the authors responsible for the Databank and WOTC content interpreted this statement in a more literal sense.